
Sunday, July 18, 2010

My granddaughter discovered JustRite

This afternoon my plan was to work on a card for Joan's Gardens Challenge #6, but did not get it completed.  I will be posting my card tomorrow.  Have you checked out the challenge?  It will be a fun card to make.  The challenge is to make a card using some kind of kitchen theme and a sentiment from JustRite.  This winner of week #6 challenge will receive a new Heartfelt Creation stamp set.  These are the new stamps everyone is buying to make those beautiful dimensional flowers.  Be sure to check out Joan's blog to get all the details.

You may have noticed my name is not on the card above.  My granddaughter Shannon, who is 13, will be leaving next week to go visit her best friend in Vancouver for a week and she wanted to make a thank you card for her friend's mother.  Shannon has been stamping with me since she was about 4 years old.  Today, she wanted to learn how to make the vellum flowers so I spent time with her showing her how to make them.  Before she came over, she had designed her card in her head so this card is totally her design.

The main thing she wanted on her card was a quilted background and the flowers.  She tried several things and decided to use the polka dot background paper and score it on the ScorBuddy. Doesn't that look great!   She used one of my new Martha Stewart border punches on the mat under the quilted piece.  She wanted purple flowers so she attached the punched background to lavender lace card stock to match.  To create the stems for her flowers, she used a SU stamp and only colored the stems with a marker and stamped directly over the quilted design paper.  She made her purple vellum flowers and attached them over the ends of the stems with glue dots.  She went through my bead box and found some black beads to add to the center of the flowers.

Shannon has never stamped with JustRite stamps.  She fell in love with them because you insert the center in the grooves then can choose from many borders and they always stamp straight. She also said she loves them because the stamps are so small and are easy to store and you only need one handle for lots of stamps. (All her stamps are mounted on wood blocks.)  For the outside of her card she wanted a very plain "thank you" and a polka dot border to match the dp.  She used a border from the JustRite "Just A Note" set and a non JustRite "thank you" stamp for the front of her card.  These were white embossed on lavender lace card stock.  To complete the front of her card, she used three pearls.

For the inside of her card she used a border and center from the JustRite "Joyful Hearts" set.  I wish you could see how excited she was to  use these stamps.  She stamped this twice and cut one out with a scallop oval Nestie and the second one with a  plain Nestie.  She sponged around the Nestie before removing it.  She added a small strip of the design paper used on the front to the inside.  She wanted to leave plenty of room to write a note to thank her friend's mom for planning lots of fun things to do during her visit.  

I am always so proud of the work Shannon does.  She comes up with beautiful designs every time.  I love to have her come over to work on cards.  What do you think of her card? 

Be sure to check back tomorrow to see the card I make for the Joan's Gardens challenge.


  1. Way to go Shannon. You still are showing the many artistic skills that you inherited from your Gramma.


  2. Beautiful card. what a wonderful relationship you have with your granddaughter. You are both truly blessed. I love your work Selma.

  3. Shannon is the Top Of The Trees when it comes to card making Selma...She apparently inherieted your "taste" in making stunning cards...and yes, this one is stunning!!! Thank Shannon for sharing :)

  4. It's beautiful!! She out does alot of us older ones LOL

  5. Really beautiful Selma. Love how you scored the mat and you are getting to be a pro at making flowers.

  6. Selma, Her card is so beautiful! How proud you must be of her! I love how she quilted! TFS!

  7. Shannon did a beautiful job... She has a great teacher!

  8. Selma,
    Be very proud of your student! Shannon this card is amazing. So glad you still want to do these types of things with your grandma :)

  9. Shannon really accomplished what she set out to do with the "quilting" and the flowers. I love the way the paper does look quilted. :) Already at 13 she is very creative!

  10. Great work, Shannon! Your colors and creativity are awesome! You have a great mentor!

  11. This is the first time I have ever 'responded' to your/anyone's email posts....but I use your posted cards as inspiration cards all the time :-) I just had to tell you Shannon's card is beautiful in its colors and simplicity...truly a thank you from her heart! :-) I see exactly why you are so excited and proud to share her wonderful creation!

    Phyllis Ebeling


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