
Monday, July 19, 2010

Joan's Garden Challenge 6

I went over to Joan's Gardens weekly challenge and saw that there are only two entries so far.  A great prize is being given away this week in the random drawing and with just a few entries, your chances of winning are really great.  For the challenge you need to create a card using some kind of kitchen theme and a JustRite stamp.  If you don't have a JustRite stamp you can still enter using something else.  This winner of the week #6 challenge will receive a new Heartfelt Creation stamp set.   This is a prize I would love to win!  You can go over and get all the details here.

The only kitchen themed stamps I have are from JustRite.  I used the "Just A Little Caffeine" set.   The image and border were stamped twice and I cut out the coffee cup on the second one so I could put it on dimensionals.  The image was cut out with a scalloped circle Nestie then a second scallop was cut out to frame it.  The yellow piece under it was embossed with the  Cuttlebug "Kassies Brocade" embossing folder.  The design paper is from the Basic Grey Cappella paper pad.  The pretty rose trim is from Webster's Pages.  All products used for this card were purchased from Joan's Gardens.

I appreciate you stopping by.  Have a great day.


  1. Great card Selma. I love the details you did. The embossing is such a nice addition and so are the roses.

    Thanks so much for play Joan's Gardens weekly challenge!!!!


  2. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Wish i could play, don't have any thing that will work for this challenge, boo woo, good luck!!

  3. Wow Selma--gorgeous as always!!!! I love the colors! TFS

  4. Beautiful card SElma, love the background dp, so pretty and the Webster's trim is beautiful Off to check Joans challenge!

  5. Selma,

    I love this card. I somehow had never seen the rose trim that you used, so I went to Joan's Garden and checked it out and added it to my wish list. I like how you can use the trim as a strip or use the roses singley.

    Great job and good luck on winning the contest.


  6. Selma,
    Love this beauty! That trim is to die for. Going to check out the challenge rules. I thought you had to use what she is presenting!

  7. How sweet is this! Love it Selma, the ribbon goes very well with the DP!

  8. Ah super sweet Selma - great job with Joan's challenge - I'm not going to be playing much till the wedding is over. Love the flowers.


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