
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Pink Poinsettias

Today I designed a card using white Foamiran and Susan's Garden Notes Poinsettia die set.  

This is a 6-inch card.  A piece of Tonic Chrome Silver Mirror Card stock was used, layered with a slightly smaller Tonic Craft Perfect Ultra Smooth White card stock, and on top a piece of Tonic Pearlescent Princess Pink card stock that was scored around the edges using the Tonic Studio Trimmer.  On the left side of the pink card stock, Susan's Snowstorm and Mounds Stencil was used to create the white snow.  The stencil was taped down and Nuvo Moonstone Glitter Paste was applied using one of the Tonic media spatulas.  

The Garden Notes  Poinsettia die set was used to die cut the flowers.   Two of the large petals and one of the small petal die cuts were used for each flower.  The veins in the petals and leaves were scored using the Leaf Tool from Susan's Flower Tool Kit.  The petals were colored using two shades of pink ink.  The ends of the petals were left white.  The color was sponged on, using a small sponge.  The petals were put together, using a hot glue gun.  For the center of the poinsettia, small dots of Nuvo Bottle Green Crystal Drops were made on the Easy Clean Mat and allowed to dry.  Once dry, a small dot of the Nuvo Deluxe Adhesive was placed in the center and a small amount of Yellow Pollen was added.  These dots were then added to the center of the each poinsettia. 

The Garden Notes Whitepine Boughs and Pinecone die set was used to die cut the boughs and the pinecones.  For my pine cones, I shaped them by pressing down on each brown petal, with the small stylus in the Flower tool Kit, to 'cup' them.  They were glued on the pinecone base with the cupped side facing up.  If you want a closed pinecone, you would glue them with the cupped side facing down.  Once the base was covered with petals, let dry then go back and glue in more petals to make it appear full.  The petals were die cut using brown card stock and glued together using Nuvo Deluxe Adhesive. 

Glue the Poinsettias, Pine Boughs and Pine Cones to the left side of the card as shown.  

For the sentiment, I used GinaK's Joyful Holiday Foil Mates.  It was foiled using silver foil, then die cut using GinaK's Double Stitched Small Rectangle die set.  The ECD Dotted Scalloped Rectangle die set was used for the die cut under the sentiment.  Tonic Dimensional Foam Pads was used under both the foiled sentiment and under the scalloped rectangle. 

This card can be mailed out in one of the clear acrylic boxes linked below.

I have added product links below.  If you use these links to purchase products, I will receive a small commission which helps me purchase supplies -- no additional cost to you.  I appreciate you visiting my blog and appreciate your support.


  1. Good morning Selma,
    Oh what a stunning card you have made for our delight once more flower. The way you manage to make and capture those poinsettias, they just look so real for me. I love how you have put the little pine cones in and they look like they have been quite far grown, not new tight, so that the wee birds can get at it's seeds that lie within it's little nooks and crannies. A gorgeous card that surely anyone would be so highly delighted to receive.
    Thank you flower for you patience and expertise once more in creating this wonderful creation,
    crafty hugs across the big pond
    Norah, Glenochil Village, Central Scotland

  2. What a wonderful way to start our week - I love the softness of your beautiful pink poinsettias. Your composition is elegant and tastefully presented. Thank you for being such an inspiration to all.

  3. Selma, I am running out of adjectives to thank you for letting see your stunning creations.

  4. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

    Myrtle Johnson

  5. How many lrg petals and small petals did you cut for each flower. (you say 2 large and 1 small). Beautiful card.

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