
Monday, September 16, 2019


I am still working on getting all my Christmas cards done before the holidays.

This is a 6 inch square card.  I used Susan's Frame It/Stitched Oval die set to create the background. For the top layer I used a piece of the Tonic Studio Craft Perfect Speciality Card-Pearl Ripple card stock.  The 3rd largest Stitched Oval die was placed on the left side and run through the die cut machine.  The next layer down, I used white card stock and the next smallest die in the Oval set.  Place the large die cut oval over the white card stock and center the die inside the larger opening so you can get it centered perfectly.  Do the same thing with another piece of white card stock and the next smaller die.  This will give you three centered oval die cuts.  The oval from the largest die cut was attached to the back of the smallest die cut because it has the beautiful Pearl Ripple pattern.  The layers were attached with dimensional foam pads.  This does make the card thick, but the results are beautiful.  You can use just two die cut ovals for a thinner card.

The sentiment was die cut using Suzanne Cannon's A Way With Words-Love Joy Peace die set.  Ruby Red High Gloss Mirror card stock was used.  Attach the sentiment inside the oval die cut.

Use Susan's Garden Notes large Poinsettia die set and create one poinsettia.  For the bracts in the center of the flower, use Nuvo Bottle green Crystal Drops to create small dots on your non stick craft mat.  While the dots are still wet, add a small amount of yellow pollen.  Allow to dry and glue the dots in the center of the poinsettia.  

Use the Garden Notes Berry Spray die set and die cut one spray.  Use the Nuvo Red Berry Gloss Crystal Drops for the berries.  

Use the Whitepine Bough  Pinecone die set to create the greenery/pinecones to surround the poinsettia.

This card can be mailed in one of the clear acrylic boxes.  The products used for this card are linked below.

It is nice to have my Christmas cards started before the holidays begin.  Have you started making your Christmas cards yet?

Thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Love the color as well as the layered framing.

    Pat McQuitty

  2. What a lovely card. Anyone would be happy to receive that. I have just started to make my Christmas cards. It´s the best thing about cardmaking making Christmascards
    Hugs from Eva in Sweden

  3. Good morning Selma,
    This is always my favourite card when you put poinsettias on the front of it. You always make the card look so elegant and so beautiful when you use these type of flowers. This card is no exception to that, it is absolutely stunning. So clean a card and yet so out of this world stunning.
    I wish that there were more people that view your expertise, would let you know just what joy your talented handiwork gives them, when they open that email. It takes my breath away when i get your email with your beautiful hand made flowers on the front of another work of art.
    Take care flower and crafty hugs from Glenochil Village, Central Scotland,

  4. Selma, your card is absolutely stunning! Your pine ones look so realistic...did you use brown cardstock and shade in the texture lines? Thanks. I am looking forward to seeing your designs with Susan’s new dies for Tonic! Congratulations on being chosen for the Design Team!

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