
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Foamiran Poinsettia

I know it is early to start Christmas cards, but I like to get an early start!  Today I used Susan's Garden Notes Poinsettia die set and and Foamiran to create this pretty flower.  I die cut the petals and shaded the red foamiran using Susan's Dark Red PanPastel, which is in Set 3.  The leaves were colored with a dark green PanPastel and blended with green in Susan's Set 1.  A little red was also added.  PanPastels blend so easily, and are my very favorite way to color Foamiran.  NOTE:  In the photos the Poinsettia leaves do not look very green, but they do in real life! The bracts (center of the poinsettia) were created with dots of Bottle Green and English Mustard Nuvo Crystal Dots.

Under the Poinsettia, Boughs from Susan's  Garden Notes Whitepine Boughs & Pinecone die set were added.  I used two large and two small boughs.

The frame for the poinsettia was die cut using Els van de Burgt Studio Dotted Scallop Ovals.  

The sentiment was die cut using the A Way With Word - Peace die set.

Gold Peel Off Sticker - Corner/Line Stickers were used to outline the design paper edge.  Left over "dots" from a Peel Off Sticker sheet was used to go around the flower.

It is never too early to get started working on Christmas cards.  The holidays always seem to come so fast.   

Thanks for stopping by today.  Links to the products used are listed below.


  1. Love your Poinsettia as with all your flowers Selma, you make them so real and life like. Stunning card. R xxx

  2. Gorgeous and a little too early for me to start though. You must need to have a lot of them!

  3. Beautiful poinsettia card design. I just love your flowers. Just awesome!


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