
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wishing You Oceans of Joy

Today is a  beautiful day and would perfect for a sailboat ride.  Today I used the Joset Design Boat, Lighthouse and Rainbow Sky die sets to create this card.

Using the wave die from the Boat die set, three sets of waves were die cut.  Using a white opaque pen, white caps were created on each wave.  The there sets of waves were attached to another piece of blue card stock that was cut slightly uneven for the far edge of the ocean.  The waves were attached to a piece of light blue card stock.  A piece of brown card stock, was cut with scissors, to resemble a shore line and glued to the bottom of the card.

All the pieces for the sailboat were die cut using Joset's Boat die set.  To decorate the sails,  one of the Bead Strings 2 dies was used to create blue strips.  The boat was tucked down in the bottom row of waves.

Joset Design Lighthouse was die cut using two shades of tan card stock.  It was glued to the left edge of the card, leaving part of it off. Scissors were used to trim along the edge.  

The clouds and sun were die cut using dies from Joset's Rainbow Sky die set.  To finish the card, one of the sentiments in the Joset Designs Ahoy Sentiments clear rubber stamps was stamped on the bottom of the card.

The following products used on this card can be purchased from Elizabeth Craft Designs:

Rainbow Sky
Ahoy Sentiments
Bead Strings 2


  1. Selma- A gorgeous scene. Reminds me of a visit to the Pacific Ocean.

  2. This is a wonderful Sea scene, Selma!!
    I love the way how you made the waves, great!!
    And the Sentiment I love too...
    Hugs, Eva.

  3. What a beautiful scene Selma. Lovely card!


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