
Monday, June 9, 2014

Craft Hoarders Anonymous Guest Designer

I was very honored to be asked by Gloria Stengel to be a guest designer for the Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge this month.  This week the #9 Challenge is "Fold It".  Here is the information for this challenge. 

Use some sort of "fun fold" on your project. You can make a fun fold card, a pop-up card, an explosion box, or other type of project that makes use of folded cardstock or paper. You can share some folding techniques that are perfect for scrapbook layouts or mixed media pieces. Create a mini album with a folded binding. Fold some ribbon to make pleats. De-hoard those supplies and show us your folds....paper folds that is!
sponsors: WorldWin Papers and StencilGirl

For  this challenge I created a 6"x6" Explosion Box. This is a larger explosion box from any others I have seen or made. I created a larger box so I could enclose a a "chest" in the center, with four drawers.   Below I have a tutorial to show you how I created it.

I used a 12"x12" piece of card stock for the bottom of this explosion box. Using my Scor-Pal, I scored at 3" from the edge of the card stock, on all four sides.   Crease each score line well with a bone folder. The corner squares were cut off as shown. If you haven't made an explosion box before, the sides fall down when you remove the lid from the box.  These measurements will create a 6"x6" explosion box

To create the lid for the box, use another 12"x12" piece of card stock.  Score all sides at 3". 

 Cut up to the score line on two sides of this piece, as shown above, then on the "flap" (3"x3") piece cut off a narrow piece forming a "V" shape.  This will help create a smooth edge when you attach the end pieces to the long piece to create a lid.Do this again on the opposite side.

This picture shows you were to add tape to the end pieces so it holds securely.  You need to add tape to folded ends on both sides.

 With the end pieces inside the lid, match end pieces to score lines and press firmly, to create your lid.  You now have all the pieces ready to decorate your explosion box.

This is the Craft Hoarder Anonymous challenge, so I have dug out items, including design paper I have been hoarding to decorate the sides and the top of the box.  On the top I have added a Marianne Design Petra's Ornaments (LR0279) doily to the lower left side.  On top I created a hydrangea using Susan's Garden Hydrangea dies.  The small flowers were created using the Memory Box "Norland Flower dies".  The butterflies were cut out of Graphic 45 Design paper.

 On the front side of the lid, I added a Marianne  Design, Anja's Vintage Frame.  On the other three sides,  I added the Spellbinder Flourish Trim,S2-005.

To create the little "chest" for the center of the Explosion Box, I created four little match boxes (2.25" x 3"), attached them together with ScorTape then enclosed them with a long strip to go completely around the boxes.  The chest was covered with more of the same design paper used on the explosion box then decorated with two hydrangeas created with Susan's Garden dies.  The inside panels were decorated with Marianne Design Anja's Vintage Frame, Memory Box Norland Flowers and Graphic 45 butterflies cut from the Design Paper. 

Close up pictures of the small box inside the Explosion Box.  Susan's Garden Hydrangea flowers decorate the top of this box.


  1. Selma, Congratulations for be a Guest Designer!!
    This is marvelous, what you have made!
    A gorgeous hydrangea, a wonderful box and such a beautiful colors. I love it!
    Thank you for the good explanation, although difficult to make for me :-)
    Hugs, Eva.

  2. Great work, Selma! Love the flowers from the top of the box!!!

  3. W0W!!! Your explosion box is fantastic!!! Wonderful details, layering and great tutorial!!! TFS!

  4. Selma, you have absolutely outdone yourself. This is a gorgeous project. I am so intrigued by the little chest of drawers. Congratulations on being the guest designer for Craft Hoarders.

  5. Selma+ wow, what a beautiful explosion box! So much detail-it's amazing!

  6. Well you outdid yourself on this one! Love the tutorial as well! Gorgeous flowers. Thanks for being a guest designer at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  7. Wow! I agree with everyone in saying you really have outdone yourself with this explosion box. I love the little drawers for the inside.

  8. WOW! What a gorgeous explosion the floral display on the box! So enjoyed the tutorial...definitely have to give this one a try. Thank!

  9. Oh, Selma,

    I just love this. So awesome. Thank you for sharing all of your gorgeous designs.


  10. Hi Selma! Love your explosion box! Your little chest inside
    is so cute. I've never made the match boxes before. Is
    there a tutorial somewhere to show me how to make them?

    Thanks for sharing your talent!


  11. Just lovely Selma. Explosion box's ma!e a lovely gift. The work here is intense. Love those lovely hydrangeas. My favorite flowers.

  12. You sure gave us our money's worth with this project!! I have never seen such a lovely explosion box! I am going to Pin this for later inspiration! It is so lovely! Thanks so much for being one of our guest designers at Craft Hoarders Anonymous! I am more than pleased to have you join us!

  13. What a fantastic project! Your flowers are just gorgeous! Thanks for being a guest designer with Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  14. VERY CLEVER and BEAUTIFUL!!! Good job, as always, Selma. J

    Debi Lefever

  15. Jaw-droppingly fabulous! Not just the exploding box itself, but that magnificent chest of drawers on the inside too... and all so beautiful! Fab folding inspiration, thank you, and congratulations on your guest spot.
    Alison x

  16. Wow, I had to pick up my mouth! Love your explosion box. I may have to try this one day, thanks for the tutorial and thanks so much for being a guest designer at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!


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