
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Joan's Gardens Weekly Challenge

It is time for a new challenge at Joan's Gardens.  Have you ever noticed how much a small additional item can really change the appearance of a card? This week's challenge is called "Lets Dress it Up".  Here is what you need to do:

Use lots of layers (more than two)
Use blue and white
Take a picture of this card then:
Add some type of embellishment to dress it up
Post a picture of both cards on your blog
Link your card in the challenge at Joan's Gardens

Please go over to Joan's Gardens to read all the details about this challenge and to post your entry.

 To create my layered card, I used all the dies in the Spellbinders "Marvelous Squares" die set. As you can see, there are a lot of dies in this pretty set.   I die cut all the dies twice - once using white card stock and a second time using blue card stock so I could alternate the colors.  

To create my layers, I started out by centering the largest die in the center of the card front, taping it down so it wouldn't move while die cutting.  This card is 5.5" square.  It was then run through again with the embossing mat.  This left an embossed square cut out in the front of the card.  A 5.5" piece of white card stock was attached to the inside behind this cutout, then I started layering all the different pieces from this set, attaching each layer with dimensional tape.  The white corners, from this set, were arranged around the small white die cut in the very center of the card to make it appear larger.  The other set of blue corners were attached to the outer corners of the card. On each side of the center section I stamped the flourish from the JustRite "Grand Sentiments" stamp set.  A bow and Kaiser Craft Pearls were added to complete the card.

To dress my card up, I added  a flower and leaves.  The Rose was created with the My Favorite  Things "Royal Rolled Rose".  The tall leaves were die cut using the Memory Box "Fresh Foliage" die and the small leaf on the side of the rose is the smallest leaf from the Joy! Crafts die.   Adding just a single flower really changed the appearance, I think.

You can purchase all the products I use from Joan's Gardens:

Spellbinders "Marvelous Squares" (S4-383)
MFT "Royal Rolled Rose" 
Memory Box "Fresh Foliage"  98502
Joy! Crafts Leaves (6003/0001)
JustRite "Grand Sentiments" (CR-03885)
Kaiser Craft Pearls
Dimensional Tape


  1. Beautiful card Selma. I love the pretty colours you have used. This is one of my favourite die sets. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxxxx

  2. This is so beautiful and elegant. Love the monochromatic tones.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  3. Good morning Selma,
    Thought for a moment there was "no" flower ...........!!!
    Beautiful card, love what you have done with those fanstatic Dies that I have, love and use lots.
    Have a great day

    Patricia xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Both cards are 'nice'. But the addition of the flower asnd flourshes make the 2nd card BEAUTIFUL! Love the colors you used. Thanks for the great inspiration!

  6. Both cards are 'nice'. But the addition of the flower asnd flourshes make the 2nd card BEAUTIFUL! Love the colors you used. Thanks for the great inspiration!

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