
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To let you know

 I want to let you know that I will not be available to answer emails for a little while.  My daughter is having  major surgery early this morning.  When she comes home from the hospital she will be staying at our home because she will not be allowed to get out of bed for two weeks.   As I have time, I will try to create some new cards and will answer your questions.

I have been so happy that so many of you have loved the Build A Flower tutorials and I will continue showing you how top create other flowers just as soon as I have more time. Thank you for all the comments. I love hearing from you - it lets me know you are using the tutorials.   I have had several requests to do a tutorial on how to create a pansy, so that will probably be next. 

The card above is a card I designed using the new Heartfelt Creations "Sweet Serenity" collection.  You can  purchase this collection from Joan's Gardens.

For a chance to win a $25 gift certificate from Heartfelt Creations, be sure to comment on the cards in the  Heartfelt Creations Alumni Blog Hop which is posted below this post.

I have designed a card for the new challenge at Joan's Gardens tomorrow, so be sure to stop by to see the fun challenge.  You are all creating amazing cards for our challenges,  and Joan and I love seeing all your creative work. 


  1. Selma your card is gorgeous!! I do appreciate your tutorials and use them over and over!! My prayers go out to you and your daughter for a speedy recovery!! Take it easy when you can and try not to overwork yourself, as I know you are still recovering yourself from the accident. will be thinking of you...take care!!! do a fantastic job for Joan with the challenges!!!

  2. Another stunning creation! I pray your daughter does well with the surgery and recovery. As for you, try and rest when you can and we will be here when you have time to create. Please let us hear how your daughter does!

  3. This is really beautiful, Love the dimenssion the flowers give to this beautiful card. Thanks for sharing. I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery, sending healing~~~~~for her.

  4. Selma, thank you for sharing...your card is gorgeous. As a new stamper, I LOVE you site. Thank you again

  5. Beautiful card. I love how it showcases the swans.

    Isn't wonderful when we actually have the time to be able to help our families.

  6. Your cards always call out to me, they are so lovely. Praying for you to have the strength to care for family.

  7. Beautiful card Selma! Thanks for the heads up and we are sending lots of hugs and prayers to you all for a speedy recovery for your daughter. Be sure you rest too as being a caretaker is not the easiest job in the world but so worth it. "Hugs"

  8. Another gorgeous card!! Sure do appreciate all the tutorials!!
    Prayers for your daughter, and for you also.

  9. Gorgeous card as always Selma, I pray all is well with your daughters surgery and she has a speedy recovery, Take care.. Hugs May x x

  10. God Bless- you will be in my prayers...Praying for a speedy recovery. xxx Ann Marie

  11. Hi Selma,
    You and your daughter are in my prayers. From all you've shared on the blog, you've had a rough several months! I'm believing God for healing for you both.
    With blessings,
    Char Loda
    Granger, IN

  12. Hope your daughter did will with the surgery and know that I am praying for her.

  13. My dearest Selma, I hope all goes well with your daughter to-morrow and I will be thinking of you both. What a beautiful card you have created for to-day, its so pretty. I love the swans. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  14. Prayers to your daughter and to you as well. Love looking at the website every post but understand you will be busy and will wait until you are able to be back crafting and sharing all the wonderful things you do. Family comes first for sure. All the best. Shirley

  15. Good luck to your daughter, hope all goes well for her.
    Thank you so much for your tutorials, they have helped so much.
    Hugs Trish

  16. I don't know how you keep up on these daily, but sure appreciate all you do.

    Good luck with your daughter and I'll say a prayer for both of you. Our children need their mothers and we know what is best for them when they are not feeling well. Hope she has a speedy recovery.


  17. Hello Selma,

    Just a note to let you know how much I enjoy viewing and copying your cards. And more importantly, to wish your daughter a thorough and speedy recovery. She is blessed to have you for a mom and a caregiver.


  18. Hi Selma,
    This is just to let you know that my thoughts and good wishes go out to you and your daughter at this time. I sincerely hope she will be home very soon for the best medicine of all - tender loving care from Mum!
    With kindest regards,
    Eunice (Auckland, New Zealand)

  19. Will be praying for her to recover quickly and for you and the family...keep us posted


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