
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Red Flower Tutorial

 I have a request to do  tutorial for the red flower on the bottom row of flowers that I created below.

Someone wrote to me and said the red flower, on the bottom row, looks like a type of poppy that grows in their area and would like for me to show how to create it.  Below is a tutorial on how to "wrinkle" the petals.

 When I want to give a lot of shape to petals, I like to place them on the Teflon Craft Mat and spritz them with water to soften the fibers in the card stock.

For this flower I shaped the petals by wrapping them around the white flower tool that is in the Flower Tool Kit by Susan Tierney-Cockburn. Place the pointed end of the petal to the left on the tool and hold around the tool, then using your thumb and forefinger pinch the petal to create the "wrinkle" look.  I leave them very "wrinkled" and dry them with the heat gun.  It might have more wrinkles than you want, but once dry, you can pull some of the wrinkles out before creating the layers to build your flower.  If you leave the wrinkles in before drying, it helps keep the creases in for a natural look.
 Here you can see the red base I used, the black stamens and on the right enough petals for the completed flower.  I should have had two bases in this picture because you need to build two separate layers, each with four petals.

 Here you can see how I have glued the petals to the four point base.  You can see how the layer on the left has the petals glued a little farther out on the base which will  be the bottom layer.  The petals on the layer on the right are slightly over lapped in the center to make it a little smaller.

 Here the flower layers are glued together.  You want to stagger the petals so they are not stacked on top of each other.

 Use the black embossing mat and a medium stylus to shape the stamen.  Press it down far into the embossing mat to "cup" it.  Glue the three together, alternating the points so they are not stacked on top of each other.
 Glue the Stamen in the center of the flower.  You can add a large black Dew Drop embellishment in the center if you want.

Here is a picture of a frame that has the same flower done in yellow.

The same petals can be used for many different types of flowers and when you use different stamens, you can come up with even more varieties.  Hope you have fun creating your own flower garden.



  1. So many beautiful flowers and the red one looks so pretty!

  2. Good Morning Selma. Your red flower is fabulous. I don't have any of these dies, but I will put them on my wish list as you know I love making flowers too. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita xx

  3. I love your flowers!!

    I'm wanting to make some flowers that will lie flat for shipping, would my best bet be the pansy?
    which dies would I need to buy for that?

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us! Its really appreciated. Your tutorials are wonderful, everything so well explained!
    Many thanks

  4. Hi Selma,

    Awesome flower and tutorial.
    Mary Lou

  5. These Poppies are gorgeous Selma & after seeing your wonderful tutorial, you make them look quite easy to make. Thanks for sharing your talent with us ... I'm looking forward to your next beautiful flower.

  6. You do the most beautiful work and I so appreciate all the time you spend sharing your ideas and techniques with us. Your tutorials are always so easy to follow. I love reading your blog each day.


  7. Thank you for taking the time to make the flower tutorials. They really help. Would love if you continued with your other flowers. I have printed these out and placed in the binder with the dies. I know that Cheery Lynn has the videos but it is so much easier to refer to your tutorials that can be printed.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Marjorie from TX

  8. Wow! Will you show tutorial in all of then I don't know if I miss the tutorial but I love all of them special the rosé with the button can you show please!!!

    Vered Padilla

  9. These are absolutely beautiful! So anxious to try.


  10. To the petal princess! When I think of you I automatically think of flowers. No one does them as well as you. You are truly remarkable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent.

  11. Yes, you are the queen of flowers. You do the most beautiful work and I can't thank you enough for sharing your tutorials. I never quite make my flowers as pretty as yours, but I sure do have fun trying.


  12. Stunning, thanks for sharing all the wonderful tips.


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