
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Joan's Gardens Weekly Challenge

It is time for a new challenge over at Joan's Gardens.  The week you are to create a card as follows:

Use Blue, White and Green
Use a Flower that has a pattern
Use an Oval
Use a stamped sentiment

For my card I used a piece of design paper from the "Reflections Collections 6x6" pad by Prima.   The ovals are two dies from the Marianne Design LR0235 die set. Dimensional tape was used under both of the ovals to give it some dimension.  The sentiment is from the Our Daily Bread "Birthday Blessings" stamp set.  The rose was created with the same design paper as the background. I used the MFT "Royal Rolled Rose" die.   Behind it I added pieces from the new Memory Box "Bali Corner".  It was cut twice  and the flowers were cut off the stem from a die cut using blue and white design paper. 

On the left of the oval I added three of the Memory Box "Hollyhock Stems".  I used a piece of green card stock and a piece of design paper layered together for each stem so I could cut off the flowers and attach them to the green stem.  Kaiser Craft blue pearls were added to the center of the flowers.

Marianne Design "Oval Doily" die set (LR0235)
Our Daily Bread "Birthday Blessings" stamp set (D301)
MFT "Royal Rolled Rose"
Memory Box "Bali Corner" 98487
Memory Box "Hollyhock Stem" 98512
Kaiser Craft Blue Pearls
Reflections Collection 6x6" paper pad by Prima



  1. What a beautiful card Selma. I love those Marianne oval dies, but I'm sitting on my hands at the minute, trying hard not to buy. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xx

  2. Selmka your card is beautiful Great job on it!!!!

  3. OH MY---thank you so much for the inspiration, Selma. Absolutely wonderful (as always). I learn SO much from you!

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  6. This is one of the loveliest cards I've seen. The Memory Box Hollyhock stems are delightful. You create such beautiful projects. Thx for sharing.

  7. Thank you so much Selma for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment. I am such an admirer of your beautiful work and was super excited that you visited me. You are so good with die cuts and I admire that.
    Bear Hugs,

  8. This is just gorgeous Selma! Now to draw inspiration from it and get busy on my own creation! Time is just flying by and I actually MISSED last week's 'vintage' challenge! And, that is my favorite! Uuugh! I need more hours in my day ... for crafting of course! LOL!
    Have a fabulous day and as always thanks for the amazing inspiration you share!

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  10. Gosh Selma, How You are able to do all this and with the physical discomfort et all to! I'm sure that Ur "CREATIVE SPACE" brings U some BATA Waves, thus releasing endorphine(the good feeling enzymes
    &help U then relax) but I'm sure You are still in Pain. THANK YOU
    DEAREST for ALL that YOU GIVE 2 US!
    So many who are also dealing w/discomfort "know" what all happens in us when we "R-in-the-ZONE" it sure is a WAVY place to hang out in???RIGHT?? Peace2ALL

  11. Stunning card Selma. I love how you use little bits from various dies - must try this out myself. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Crafty hugs

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