
Friday, October 19, 2012

Nellie Snellen Embossing Folders

I have been so excited to show you this card.  For those of you who want to create beautiful, but very easy cards, this is the way to go. I used one of the new Nellie Snellen "Winter Scenes" embossing folders for this card.  You can get these embossing folders in six different scenes from Joan's Gardens. These embossing folders are a pre-order item and will appear on Joan's site tomorrow (Saturday). I was amazed at the quality of the embossing.  The folder I used is the "Snowy House".  I thought it would be fun to dress it up even a little more by adding some die cuts.  In the very front I added the Marianne Design "tree" (LR0136) kind of off the side, cutting off the portion that over hangs the edge; I did this because I didn't want to cover up the embossed house.   In the center bottom I added two of the deer from the Memory Box "Deer Trio", then along the very top is the Memory Box "Frostyville  Border", which adds snow to the scene.  I saved some of the tiny snowflakes that came out of this die cut and added them onto the tree.  

This is a 5.5" x 6" card but added a Martha Stewart punched "Aspen Snowflake" border which makes the card a little larger.  That was easy -- one embossed piece and three die cuts.  You should go over to Joan's Gardens and check out the other five winter scenes.  I so wanted to add a white poinsettia up in the corner of this card, but thought it would take away from the beauty of this winter scene.  

Tip:  If you wanted to make several of this type card, I am sure you could emboss several of these scenes at one time if you use a thinner type card stock and, depending on your die cutting machine, could cut several die cuts at the same time.  I used the card stock Joan and I use for creating our flowers.  I can see an assembly line for this card!!!

All these products can be purchased from Joan's Gardens:
Nellie Snellen "Snowy House" embossing folder (Pre-order items)
Memory Box "Frostyville Border" (98146)
Memory  Box "Deer Trio" (98166)
Marianne Design "Tree" (LR0136)



  1. Love the white on white Selma and the fine blue border really sets it all off.

    Love Sheila xx

  2. Wow, this is stunning! Every time I come to your blog there's another cool thing I want to buy, LOL! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I am a huge fan of white on white and this is simply stunning!

  4. You are MOST talented my new Southern friend. Your creation is beautiful - beautiful!!

  5. Well I had to LOL when I discovered my mistake - you are a Yankee!!! But a very talenetd Yankee indeed. I love everything you do Selma!!

  6. This shared embossed folder is really stunning and getting attraction. These kinds of embossed folders always get attraction from viewers and this design is full of inspiration.


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