
Sunday, October 28, 2012


Are you working on your Christmas cards?  Joan's Gardens has lots of beautiful dies and stamps to help you create one of a kind cards.  Last year I created a card using the Memory Box "Pop Up Joy" die that was really popular so I thought I would create something different with it this year.  The "Joy" was die cut in the center of a 5 3/8" x 5 7/8" red card stock.  I wanted some texture going down to the bottom of the "Joy Pop Up" so I pressed the letters of the "Joy" down toward the bottom of the card and placed the Sizzix "Dots" embossing folder edge down to the bottom of the letters, then ran it through the eBosser.  

Just below the pop-up, I added the Memory Box "Valencia Border".  Along the very bottom of the card I added the Poppy Stamps "Pine Tree Border".  To die cut the pine tree border, I taped the die close to the edge of the card stock in order to get a nice straight edge along the bottom.  This die cut does not completely cut out - it is cut like a "pop-up".  I then just cut up each side to release the die cut. 

The flower is the new Poppy Stamps "Blooming Poinsettia".  This is such a quick and easy way to assemble a poinsettia.  There are three sizes of petals, the center, and a leaf.  I like to shape the petals with the white tool from the Flower Tool Kit then just glue each layer together.  So quick and easy.    The corner is one of the dies in the Cheery Lynn "Lace Corner Deco F" die sets. 

I took a picture of this card from a different angle so you can see how the "Joy" pops up. 

My company was able to fly out this morning.  They have had so many "airplane" malfunctions and had many delays coming here and now are having lots of the same problems going home.  It seems so unreal.  My daughter flew out yesterday to visit a friend in Maine.  She has never been to the East coast so is very excited about this vacation.  I am praying the hurricane  doesn't get all the way up there. They are suppose to be out doing a lot of sight seeing.  

You can purchase all these products from Joan's Gardens:
Memory Box "Pop Up Joy" (98192)
Memory Box "Valencia Border" (98290)
Poppy Stamps "Pine Tree Border" (809)
Poppy Stamps Blooming Poinsettia (861)
Cheery Lynn "Lace Corner Deco F" die set (B166)



  1. Beautiful card Selma, I love the bright colours. Always lovely to view your new makes. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  2. Oi Selma!!!

    Cartão belíssimo!!! Amo o NATAL e essas cores realmente nos representa o clima natalino.


  3. Beautiful card, Selma! Love how you arranged the letters!

  4. Love the traditional red and green and the letteres are great the way they pop out ....fabulous card Selma.

    Love Sheila xx

  5. Absolutely gorgeous - Your design work is always perfection. There is nothing better at Christmas than the traditional Christmas colors.


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