
Monday, August 27, 2012

Joan's Gardens Workshop Projects

Today Joan and I are showing you the projects that were created in her workshops this past weekend. For those of you who don't know, Joan offers about four workshops a year and there is no charge for attending.  She always wants to have projects that everyone will be proud to create and enjoy learning many new techniques while creating them.  I love working with her coming up with ideas for very creative projects.  This year we had most of our projects pretty well planned before going to CHA but did get ideas from the Graphic 45 booth.  We used the design paper from the Graphic 45 "A Ladies Diary" 12" x 12" paper pad on two of the projects.  

The project above is an easel card.  We used mat board for the backing and layered it with different pages from the design paper pad.  The flower was created with the new Cheery Lynn Build A Flower #2. 

We used the Tim Holtz  Sizzix "Small Easel" for the back.  When die cutting this easel, you should use the "Premium Crease Pad" so the score cuts don't go all the way through the board.  
The next project was a card using the new Marianne Design (LR0236) doily.  As soon as we saw this gorgeous die, Joan and I knew we wanted to use it for a workshop project.  Again, my card is different from the one taught in the workshop but will give you another idea.  When at CHA, we saw the 6x6 Template, by the Crafters Workshop, that we used for the background on this card.  There are other templates but this one has "writing" on it.  We used a paste called "Liquitex Light Modeling Paste".  You press the modeling paste over the stencil and have to let it dry.  So fun because it give some dimension to the background.  I used Distress Ink to add color.  I will do a tutorial later on how to do this.  

I am adding this closeup so you can see this beautiful (LR0236) doily by Marianne Design.  There are four pieces in this die:  The pretty die cut doily, a backing die cut so you can add a different color behind it, the small shape you see behind the lady, and also a flourish.  I'm sure you will want to add this gorgeous die set to your collection.

This is the tea box they created in the workshop.  I worked on the template and created the box while at Joan's house, but did not have the paper to recreate it after I came home. I was gone on vacation so this is the box Joan designed using that template. Stamps from Heartfelt Creations were used for the front of the box and the flower on top was created with "Clearly for Art" Modeling Film.

I did visit the workshops via Skype and I think they all had lots of fun creating these projects. 


  1. I love all of these!!!! That die is gorgeous and I love the tea box! Are you selling the template for that?

  2. Stunning, each and every one! You and Joan are a fantastic team!!

  3. these cards are realy gorgeous and classy.
    so many beautiful details and colors.
    greetings from ann

  4. Hi Selma! I just LOVED this workshop! All the projects were FABULOUS and of course 'right up my alley'! Thanks for all your hard work and awesome ideas! You are so amazing at what you do and how you share it with all of us ... Bless You!
    BIG HUGS from OHIO

  5. I love all the projects and to have Joan share her projects and allow anyone to participate in her workshop free of charge makes her an Angel of Craft. Thanks Joan and Selma. And Selma you do not stay behind God bless the both of you for what you do. Best of luck and again God Bless You both.



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