
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Joan's Weekly Challenge - Create a Box

It is time for another Weekly Challenge at Joan's Gardens.  This week we want to show you how to create a small gift box with a band.  This style box is called "Mini Pizza Box".  There are tutorials on how to create this box at SCS and also Sherry Cheever has a video.  The measurements on my box are the same as these but the way I complete it is a little different, which is explained below.  The band I created is a 1" strip lined with a slightly wider band.  The design paper used on my box is from the Graphic 45 "Christmas Emporium" 12x12" paper pad.  The pretty poinsettia was created using the Heartfelt Creations "Petite Poinsettia Precut Set" (HCPC 3415).  A Cheery Lynn "Holly Flourish (B148) and Geometric Snowflake (DL176) were added under the poinsettia.  The tag is also from the Graphic 45 Christmas Emporium pad.  A small bow was added at the top of the tag.

Mini Pizza Box Tutorial

 Start with a piece of card stock or double sided design paper cut 6" x 11".  Place on ScorPal, with 11" side along the top.  Score at 1", 5", 6", and 10".

Turn paper so 6" side is going across top of ScorPal.  Score at 1" and 5".

Use a bone folder to crease all score lines.  This is where I have changed my directions.  Cut from the short end to create "tabs".  Do this on both ends.  Then cut "tabs" along score lines in the middle of the box.  The reason I want you to cut the tabs from the end is to create a box without the seam showing when looking at it from the front.  There are two pictures below to show you the difference when you cut from the short end and how it will look if you cut the tab on the side.  
Place ScorTape or a strong adhesive, on each of the tabs.

Start by folding the center tabs in on one side of the box to form the bottom of the box.  Next fold in the end tabs to form the top and the bottom of the box.

Below are examples of how corners will look according to where you cut the tab.

Front of box will have a smooth front if tabs are cut from the short end.

If you cut your tabs along the side, the front edge of your box will look like this.  The box will work the same but I like the way it looks it the first picture.

Next create a band that will slip off and decorate it.  Cut a 1" strip for a "belly band".  Wrap it around the box, creasing on the corners, and attach ends with a strong adhesive.  This band will slip off the box.  Now you can decorate the band with any embellishments you like and add a tag..

Go over to Joan's Gardens to get complete information about this challenge.  I'll be looking forward to seeing your boxes.


  1. Praying I find time to play....may have to lock the boys up this weekend LOL. I love this box and have never tried making one!!!!

  2. Awesome tutorial Selma! Believe it or not ... I've NEVER made one of these 'pizza boxes'! Now I can't wait to give it a whirl! Thanks!

  3. very pretty box
    I know I will be doing this week challenge
    last week just could not do the challenge it just did not work for me
    I did not have the right ink to do.
    thank for showing your cute pizza box and the tutorial
    have a very nice day

  4. GORGEOUS!!! Love the paper and your tag and your arrangement.....OK love it always!

  5. Great tutorial and will be trying it for this weeks challenge .

  6. Selma, wonderful Tutorial, off to make mine.
    Reall enjoyed last weeks, I so enjoyed that method!!
    So I am sure I will be able to use this many times over, now I won't have to buy boxes!!

  7. Hello Selma,

    I just heard about you a couple days ago through a friend and I am having a wonderful time looking at your masterpieces. You are so inspiring!

    Today I placed an order with Joan (Joan's Gardens). She is such a pleasant and personable lady. I was raving about your beautiful cards and your enormous talent.


  8. Gorgeous box and a beautiful flower, thank you for the tutorial.

  9. An absolutely stunning box Selma. Love the flower too. Thankyou so much for the tutorial, it was so easy to follow. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. This box is adorable and a great tutorial...stopping to make one to post in the challenge. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. Stunning box and flower flourish, you do a fantastic job on what ever you make!

  12. Absolutely wonderful box and great tut....I've also never made one of these either so will have to give it a go.

    Love Sheila xx

  13. i will definitely be trying this! just are rolling out the beauties (-:

  14. Beautiful creation! What a keeper! and TFS for the tutorial too!


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