
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Merry Christmas to You

I didn't realize how hard it is to take a good photo of a sparkly silver paper.  This is a card done completely in Silver and white, but colors are showing up in the photo.  I decided to make a center step card using a few more of the new Memory Box dies I received yesterday from Joan's Gardens.  I love working with these dies because they pop right out of the die and are so easy to work with.  I know you will enjoy working with them too. 

The products used today are:  Heartfelt Creations "Petite Poinsettia PreCut Set" (HCPC 3415); Memory Box "Flowering Christmas Tree" (98195), Memory Box "Crisp Bows" (98197); JustRite "A Merry Little Christmas Set"; Cheery Lynn "Snowflake 2"  (DL166); Marianne Designs "Holly"  (LR0127).  All the design paper used is from my scrap Christmas paper.  I believe the button is from a package of Tim Holtz buttons and the trim something from my stash.

A piece of silver and white design paper was put on the two side panels and a piece of white on white, large polka dot, paper attached to the center section.  The beautiful Memory Box "Flowering Christmas Tree" was die cut using a sparkly silver paper.  The boxes were created with two different silver papers.  It is just a square cut then a piece cut for the lid - very simple to do.  The bow on the box to the left was die cut three times and the bow on the smaller box die cut twice.  I love these Memory Box Bows.  The bows are beautiful used single, but I wanted nice full bows so cut out more, and just layered them.  Isn't it cool how they have the ribbon that goes down around the box!   

You know how much I love the new Heartfelt Creations poinsettia stamps and matching Spellbinder dies.  I silver embossed three layers, shaped and glued them together.  Three small silver rhinestones were added to the center.  Joan sent me a new "Holly" die from Marianne Designs.  I decided to silver emboss white leaves after they were die cut.  I just patted them down on the VersaMark pad and sprinkled on silver embossing powder.  The pretty doily behind the poinsettia is actually a Cheery Lynn Snowflake but is the perfect size for a little frill behind the flower.  The sentiment from JustRite was silver embossed and die cut using the Spellbinders Lacy Circles die. 

This was another very fun card to design.  I hope you like it.  Tomorrow I will be posting a cute snowman card I design using a Cheery Lynn Snowflake, the Sizzix Snowflake embossing folder, and a cute snowman from JustRite.  Hope to see you tomorrow.

All the products in bold can be purchased from Joan's Gardens.



  1. Another beauty Selma! Funny how the picture shows color!

  2. Just another gorgeous card! I love the design and the silver and white! Beautiful!

  3. This is a gorgeous card Selma, so elegant.

    I find that sometimes when photographing cards with silver on, the silver seems to pick up the colour of my clothes!

    Jo x

  4. Selma, this is jaw dropping gorgeous. These new dies sure add a lot to our cards. Great choices too. Beyond Beautiful.


  5. Oh Selma...I just love love this wonderful step card. I love how you incorporated so many dies. Fantastic!

  6. I love your card so pretty. I've had that problem also taking pictures of silver cards. Hadn't thought that it might be reflecting from the cloths I was wearing. Thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday.

  7. yes like they all say a other beautiful card
    silver and white is so pretty
    like this a lot thank for showing

  8. Oh My Stars!!!! Is that gorgeous or what!!!!! Love it!

  9. Wow, Wow and Wow! This is gorgeous, Selma. Love all your die work.

  10. Oh Selma your creativity never seems to amaze me ....your card is absolutely stunning!

    Love Sheila xx

  11. Oh dear! My post should have read.... 'your creativity always amazes me' Sorry about that Selma I have alot on my mind at the moment.

    Love Sheila xx

  12. Absolute stunner! The silver and white combination is just breath taking! Gorgeous!

  13. Selma, I have been viewing your designs for quite some time and just want you to know I think you are the most talented designer I have ever seen! I love your style! Joan is very lucky that she has you to design for her.

    Thanks for being so inspiring to all of us!

    Margie Riffey

  14. You really outdid yourself on this card, Selma. It's outstanding in form, design, colours. A true beauty. Thanks for sharing.
    Francie in Montreal

  15. Pretty...even if its not supposed to have color in it.


  16. Fantastic card - just beautiful.


  17. Just beautiful! I was looking at that die last night........I'm thinking it might make it to my stash!!!

  18. Selma,

    You have outdone yourself. This card is just gorgeous. I ordered the Flowering Christmas Tree die from Joan, so it should be here soon, and I am anxious to see what I can create with it.

    Again, just a gorgeous card.


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