
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's Your Birthday

Today I have another Heartfelt Creations card for you.  I know I have told you this many times, but I really love to use stamps from Heartfelt Creations because they are timeless.  They never go out of style and every time you use them you can get a completely different design.   These flowers were created using an older set called "Flora Grande 1 PreCut Set" (HCPC 3375).  These flowers can be die cut using the Spellbinder "Blossoms 3" Nestabilities.  The flowers were white embossed on light teal card stock then sponged with a darker teal ink.  They were cut between each petal with scissors to help shape them before putting them on the card.  I had some white embossed leaves left over from another Heartfelt Creations card I designed the other day, so added them to this card.  

The die cuts in the background are the Marianne Designs (LR0180) dies.  Isn't this neat -- you get all the dies in the picture below when you order this set.  There are three doily dies that I have layered using dimensional dots between each one.  The center one was sponged prior to taking it out of the die.   The little corners are also included in this set.  I'm sure this will be a set of dies that I will use over and over. The sentiment is from Heartfelt Creations.  The design paper is from the new AUTHENTIQUE " 6X6 Collection: Journey.  Lots of pretty blue papers in this paper pad!

Marianne Designs LR0180

As you know, you can order all the products I use from Joan's Gardens.   The Marianne dies just came in and Joan may not have them posted yet, so if you don't see them on her blog, be sure to tell her you saw in on my blog and she will know what you want. I hope you were able to take advantage of the great sales Joan has had for the past week.  She has been extremely busy getting all those orders out, plus she is preparing for her three workshops coming up.  There are still a few openings for her  workshops, so if you haven't registered yet, I think you can still get in.  She has some really great projects planned I know you will love to create.  There is no charge for these all day workshops.



  1. Absolutely stunning card Selma. They are fabulous dies.

  2. I love that die, and your card, not to mention all the Heartfelt Creations stamps hehe!

  3. Just beautiful Selma.....such a pretty colour too!

  4. Simply gorgeous card Selma!! I have that beautiful paper - now just need those dies -love what you have done with them!

  5. WOW! The colours you have used on this card Selma are all comes together in another stunning creation.

    Love Sheila xx

  6. As Olga would say, this is jaw dropping gorgeous! Love teal in any shade and this is a stunner!

  7. Hi Selma: I love, love, love, your blog and your designs.


  8. This is so beautiful Selma! It was a wonderful article in the magazine of you and Joan and I printed out every one of those fantastic tutorials. You did a fantastic job on those and definately deserve to be published. Hope to see many more wonderful articles in the magazine.

    Thanks so much for the wonderful and supportive comments you leave on my blog. I am so blessed to have you in my life. "Love & Hugs" Carol

  9. Another beautiful work of art - from the colors to the fabulous layers. Viewing your work always brings a smile to my face!!! Can't wait to check out the article - your work deserves to be shown off in such a venue.

  10. Hi Selma: I love, love, love, your blog and your designs. I love the paper flowers and how you do your designs. Denise


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