
Monday, June 6, 2011

Will be away

I want to let you all know that I have been busy working on cards for the new Heartfelt Creations Collection that will be released this Wednesday and have not had time to create cards for my blog for today or tomorrow.  I will be taking my daughter to the hospital early tomorrow for surgery and I'm sure will be very busy for a couple of days.  Joan will posting the Heartfelt Creations cards I designed for the new release Wednesday morning and I will be posting one a day, with instructions on how they were created, starting Wednesday.    All these cards were created using vellum, so I could show you some new ways to use it. You are going to love the new Heartfelt Creations Collection.

Don't forget to submit your projects for Joan's Gardens challenge this week.  A winner will be selected on Thursday.


  1. Selma I hope everything goes well with you and your DD.....will pray for the both of you.....


  2. Family always comes first Selma and a few days away to be with your daughter during this time is the most important thing you could be doing. We'll all be here when you get back. Sending prayers and hugs to you both. "Hugs" Carol

  3. Hope all goes well with your daughter's surgery Sema. I'll be thinking of you both and keeping you in my prayers.

    Love Sheila xx

  4. Praying all goes well with your daughter! We'll be here when ya get back!

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone there.

  6. I am sure that everything will go well.Family is a priority.

  7. Oh my! I hope things go well and as planned. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers while you are away tending to business.

  8. My prayers are with u and your daughter, Selma , for a successful surgery and recovery. Evette C

  9. Thanks, Selma, your cards are great everyday I really enjoy them. I will be praying for your daughter. Char

  10. Selma, Just to say Thank-You for showing your wonderful cards. I too am nursing my daughter at the moment and so I'm not at home very much at the moment. We go on holiday on the 19th June for 10 days so I'm hoping to get back to normal when we come back.Her husband is taking holidays then, so we get away. Hope all is well in your corner and I do look forward to seeing your new creations. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  11. We will all be here when you is priority in my book too. My prayers are with your daughter for a speedy recovery.

  12. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. Colleen

  13. Hope all goes well with your daughter's surgery. It is as hard on you as on her. All your fans are holding your hand as you wait for her to come into recovery. Hugs, Lynne


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