
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Joan's Garden Weekly Challenge #4

It is time for  Joan's Gardens Weekly Challenge #4.  Joan and I have both used the Heartfelt Creations "Daffy Daffodils Precut Set".  You can see her pretty card on her blog.  She used the large daffodil and I have used the group of three, which are medium sized.  If you would like to purchase this pretty daffodil set, as well as the matching Nestability die, Joan has them in stock.  

Here is what you need to do for Joan's Challenge this week: 
1. Use Yellow and Green for your colors
2. a piece of trim
3. include a window
4.  some embossing

I stamped the daffodil border and cut out each one with scissors.  I then stamped three of the individual flower heads and cut them out with the matching Springtime Medley Die.  They were all colored using colored pencils and oms.  The Nestability "Fleur De Lis" pendant was cut out using white card stock.  The center of it was cut out with a square Nestie, slightly smaller than the center of the pendant, to create a window.  The edges were sponged with yellow ink to highlight the edges.  A slightly larger square was cut with a Nestie and embossed with the Cuttlebug Dotted Swiss embossing folder.  Dimensional tape was placed around the edge of the window in the pendant and attached over the embossed square.  The daffodils were arrange and attached with dimensionals.  A piece of Webster's Pages trim was added along the bottom and a few pearls placed on the pendant to complete the card.

I hope you will join us this week in this fun challenge.  Remember, you have a chance to win a nice prize and then be included in the random drawing for the $100 prize package from Joan's Gardens, that will be awarded at the end of the year.  A little secret -- when Joan has special events, such blog hops, the participants are selected from those that have entered cards in the past weekly Joan's Gardens challenges. There is always an extra "Perk" for helping us out.   You never know, you may be asked to participate.

I am so happy you stopped by for a visit. 


  1. Yet another beautiful card, Selma! You really have a way with flowers!! Just gorgeous!!

  2. Beautiful card Selma. So delicate and intricate. I love the die that you used and the design of the card. The flowers almost look real. Beautiful coloring. "Hugs" Carol

  3. Selma, Selma, Selma ~ I swear you get better and better with every post you make...This is just gorgeous...Your creativity knows no bounds...each and every one is just stunningly beautiful...and I think there are times when I actually envy you...(no, not seriously)...what I would give to visit you and Joan for a day of crafting experience and learning from you both...Again, this is just stunning and thank you for sharing :)

  4. Selma,

    Daffodils are one of my most favorite flowers so seeing them on this card just was a sweet reminder.

    I love the petite flowers on the trim and the delicate pearls you added just completes this card.


  5. I have been working on my card for this challenge and I too chose Daffodils and I almost used that Spellbinders Die too. Whew, I'm glad I didn't; but I have to admit I do love how it looks! You just seem to ooze beauty girl! You have such a wonderful eye for color!

  6. So pretty, Selma! Love all the detail! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Lovely card. I love this
    stamp set. Your trim works
    great with this set.
    Gladys R.

  8. WOW! I love every thing about this, and I have every thing you have used including the ribbon and would never of thought of putting this together like this. Just gorgeous!

  9. Absolutely beautiful! My daffodils are already starting to pop up so it won't be long now.

  10. The daffodils are beautiful along with that die and the swiss dots peeking out are just perfect!

  11. It's a beautiful card. I really like the light yellow and green combination. I love daffodils too and that stamp set is really a nice one.

  12. I just don't know how you do it! Another beautiful work of art!

  13. This is just gorgeous! I love how you added the daffodils to the points of the pendant diecut! A true reminder that spring really is coming!! (someday) :)

  14. Oh wow, just when I think it can't get any better, it does! Beautiful creation Selma! "Hugs" Carol

  15. Just STUNNING Selma! As is all your work! Thanks for inspiration again this week! FABULOUS!


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