
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Candy to Celebrate 150,000 Blog Visits

I appreciate all my blogging friends and have some Blog Candy to thank you. The winner will receive two $25 gift certificates to Joan's Gardens.  I will be including a $25 certificate and Joan has donated another $25 gift certificate for a total of $50 to spend in Joan's Gardens. Thank you Joan for helping me celebrate!   In addition to the certificates, you will receive all the items in the picture above; included are stamps, ink, adhesive, ribbon, rhinestones, Flower Soft,  embossing folders, chalk pencils and eraser, punches, and a Cosmo Cricket box to decorate. 

I had planned to offer blog candy when I reached 100,000 visits, but it got past me.   I started my blog, a little over a year ago so I could share my work with you.    It has been so fun  creating a variety of stamped projects and knowing it gives others inspiration to try new things.  I have made so many new wonderful friends and  I want to give something back to my readers to tell you I am so grateful for all of you. Thanks to you, I am nearing 150,000 visits to my blog and almost 200 Followers.   I appreciate your friendship and  every visit and comment you leave more than you know! 

This blog candy is open to all my lovely followers.  Here is what I would like for you to do:

1.  If you’re not already a follower,  then become one for a chance to win
2. Leave me a comment, on this post,  telling me one of your favorite projects and/or techniques on my blog and let me know you have signed up as a Follower.
3. If you have a blog, post a link to my candy in your sidebar linking back to my blog to help spread the word.

The winner will be announced on my blog as soon as I hit 150,000 visits, or by Nov 20,  and will have three days to contact me after I have announced the winner.  If that person does not contact me, I will draw another winner.

Thanks for your visits and comments.  


  1. Selma, first of all I love your work! I've only been a follower for a couple of months. I love to see what you have created next. I found your blog through Heartfelt Creations, so I'd have to say that "Plant A Little Sunshine Daisies" is one of my favorites (it was hard to pick)! Congrats on your achievement! I've added a link on my blog to your candy and thanks for a chance to win!

  2. WOW Congratulations Selma ... that's a LOT of Hits in such a short time! That should tell you how much your work is appreciated!
    I've always followed you through my google reader but now I am officially a "follower".
    It's so hard to pick a favorite project of yours ... they are all so inspirational to me!! But I guess anything with those adorable vellum flowers .. so soft & pretty!
    I'm headed over to MY blog to shout out about your candy!
    GREAT JOB ... keep those gorgeous creations coming!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  3. I love your card, and I can't pick a favorite unless it's the Gina K stuff. Although the new Joan's is great too! I follow cause I love to see them all!

  4. I have followed you for a while now, and love your blog. My fav of all the things you have done is the making of the vellum flowers! You rock!! Putting it on my blog!

  5. Congratulations! I have been following your blog, and am in awe of all your work. I couldnt possible pick just one card they are all gorgeous. I love the flowers you make from vellum. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. Selma--what GREAT blog candy! I hope I win, I hope I win I hope I win (Dorothy from the Wizzard of Oz). Anyway, I can't pick just one of your projects as they are all so lovely! I do like the flowers you make with the vellum, but that's a technique rather than a card. Sorry..... I've been a follower for a while, and as soon as I can figure out how to announce you blog candy on my side bar, I will post it to my blog!!! (I'm blog illiterate, so it may take me a few tries, so please bear with me...... LOL) Thanks again for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us!!! Take care

  7. I have enjoyed following your blog for sometime now and love your vellum flowers and crepe paper flowers projects. I love seeing all your cards especially the ones using Heartfelt Creations. Congrats on your many accomplishments. Thanks for a chance to win. Will be putting a link to your candy on my sidebar.

  8. Oh my goodness, Selma, there is no way I could pick a favorite card or technique that you have done! You are simply the flower queen -- I love most anything you do with flowers! Will put your candy on my sidebar -- thanks for the chance to win since wonderful goodies!

  9. super big congratulations! you were one of the first blogs I started following when I started blogging. How wonderful to have had so many visits - and to pick a fav, I would have to say all your incredible flowers!!! followed very closely by your beautiful boxes! love your blog and think you are just wishes on another 150,000 visits (-:

  10. Wow - I can't believe you have that many hits! I'm almost at a year on my blog, and thrilled to have 2,500 or so. :)


  11. I can only pick one right? I have to say one of my favorites is the card that is a window and you used flower soft. I was just amazed at the detail and how beautiful it was. I am adding a lonk on my blog to your fab candy!

  12. Selma, huge congrats to you on your blog success. Your creations are terrific, so no wonder you have so many blog visits!
    I love your tutorial on multicolored leaves.... the fall colors are my favorite and it was a treat to see how you did them.
    I also am a follower!

  13. I'm a follower - and boy it's hard to think of my favorite project - you make such wonderful things. I guess I'd have to choose the ones with the spellbinders flowers. They just seem so happy.

  14. I am a new follower on your blog and love all your wonderful creations. The colors and your layouts are such an inspiration. One of my favorites is the Joan's Garden Challenge 10. Your tutorials are also wonderful and I am going to view them all! Congrats on your blog visits. Thanks for all you share!

  15. Oh I did not know that I was not a follower, I get your blog posts in my email and am always excited when you post a new card. I am a follower now. I think I like the heartfelt creation posey's and daisy's the best, but it's hard to choose. I really love all your new and exciting creations. Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy. I LOVE JOAN's Gardens and spending those would not be hard to do at all! lol.

  16. Selma, you and Joan are awesome! Now I know that won't get me the prize, but it's the truth! I'd love to win it though! Thanks for all you two ladies do!

  17. Hi Selma, Congratulations! I have been a follower for some time now and I enjoy receiving your updates, you are a very prolific blogger. One of my favourites are the Vellum flowers, they are so soft and pretty.

  18. Congrats Selma!! I have been following your blog eversince I started doing my cards in 2009 and you are the first blog I ever visited and have always been. My favorite project you have created is the vellum flowers which is easy to make but elegant enough to let the receivers have a wow factor!! You have made so many great cards and I am so pleased to be your follower everyday!!

  19. Selma it is hard to pick just one thing, but I love your use of the DG3. I had never herd of it before I saw you using it. I do not have a blog but I spread the word about you through word of mouth. I send everybody to your blog to get inspired like I do!

  20. I know why you are so popular. Your cards are absolutely beautiful. What first drew me to your blog was what you have done with the GinaK stamps---awesome! I love how you layer the flowers.

  21. Congratulations on your Blog Visits. I really couldn't choose one favorite, because all of your cards are breathtaking.
    Thanks for all the inspiration.


  22. Wow, that is a lot of hits... just goes to show, you do extraordinary work. I've just love your tutorials, but I must say, I love the shadow box cards, and the little box with the tiny draws. Thanks for the chance to be in the running for blog candy!

  23. Hi Selma, Congats on your achievment!!! I love your blog. You have the prettiest cards I have seen..and I follow quite a few blogs. What stands out in my mind about your blog is....the flowers. Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Wow!! Congrats!
    I've been a follower by email updates since you were a guest designer for Melanie and still always look forward to your next post in my inbox... just in case that doesn't qualify me though I'm now a google follower. :)
    My favourite post is probably the vellum flower tutorial. I love those little flowers on your creations!!
    Posted on my sidebar too.

  25. Selma, I have been here before through Joan's Gardens and today I started following you. Such wonderful candy to give! I am adding a link to your blog on my blog today! I think my favorite thing about your blog is the flowers you create! I'm a flower Diva and love making them! Thanks for a chance to win!

  26. Congratulations Selma!!! 150,000 blog visit's is fantastic!!!! You've built a regular band of followers by posting so many beautiful projects each week. Your floral cards are second to none and your dimensional projects are always so beautifully constructed. It would be hard to pick a favourite......I love how you work with JustRite stamps.......your most recent work with Heartfelt Creations has been stunning too......I can't pick.....I've enjoyed seeing them all. Congratulations!!

  27. Selma: I first fell in love with your vellum flowers on Joan's I put your blog in my favorites, ordered the supplies from Joan and now I'm a daily visitor. Thanks for giving us instructions in print and pictures to create your projects. A great help. Congratulations Selma and keep displaying those outstanding creations.

  28. Congrats on such a wonderful milestone! I've been an email follower for some time but I didn't realize I hadn't actually signed up in the followers section so I've done that now. I love your Hearfelt Creations cards especially those with the flowers. Your creations are always amazing! Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful goodies! Hugs to you for a wonderful day!

  29. I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time now and look forward to seeing your daily creations. A couple of cards that I really like and hope to make in the near future are the Pop-up card shown on 10/18/10 and the Heartfelt Creations birdhouse stamped card on 9/10/10. I also love the tutorial on how to make roses. Thanks so much for a chance to win some fantastic blog candy.

  30. Good Morning Selma, have your candy posted! I'm already a stalker of yours and I can't pick a favorite I love the all!You are a huge inspiration.

  31. See how popular you are.thats a lot of hits in a short time!!
    I LOVE LOVE your blog and learn a lot from it.I would love a chance to win your blog candy!
    Thanks for all you do and share with us.

  32. I agree with the other ladies that I love all your work. In particular I love your flower projects and tutorials such as vellum, crepe,roses, and your poinsettias were perfect. I think I'm a follower as I get an e-mail from you every day - I can't wait to see what you've created.Thanks for the opportunity.

  33. Momscards has left a new comment on your post "A card for Joan's Gardens Challenge":

    How can I pick just ONE? Every card you create is a work of art. I was completely blown away by your card for Thursday, June 10 for the Joan's Garden Challenge. The color combition was lovely. All the folds, window cut outs, and the bouquet of flowers all over the card was breathtaking. You are the very best designer that I get to enjoy every day. Your workmanship is perfection

  34. Selma,
    I've been a follower for a long time and love all your creations. My very favorite was the one with your granddaughters picture on it you made for a JustRite challenge.

  35. It's hard to pick one favorite, since all of your work is stunning. That said, I guess the Tulip Shadow box would be my favorite. I had bookmarked your blog, but I have finally took the plunge and bacame a follower. Congrats on all of your acheivements, and thanks for the chance to win some candy.

  36. Selma,What a great treat to have that many people see your work! It is all beautiful and inspiring! There is nothing I've seen that I haven't liked! I guess the flowers you make are my favorite. I don't have a blog to post you on, sorry:(... Thanks for all your tutorials too! Congratulations!

  37. Hi Selma! I've been a follower for several months and am so glad I found you. I love the pop up tutorial you did a while ago with the cardinals. Good luck on the 150,000th visit. I've just posted on my blog.

  38. Hi, Selma -- Love your new blog heading. What a great blog candy gift! Hope I win. The favorite techniques you use are anything punched or made with flowers.
    Everything you do is great.
    Sarah Stainback

  39. Hi Selma:
    I have been following your beautiful creations since I first saw your cards on StampTV. I am not surprised you hit this high blog visits score so quickly.
    I love all your work, but if I must choose I would say your cards with vellum flowers are simply gorgeous. Keep up the good work.
    Marie-Paule D.

  40. Selma, I have been looking at your blog daily, and love your variety of projects. I have especially liked your use of vellum, and appreciate the time you put into your blog. Thanks for offering the wonderful blog candy.

  41. Hard to pick just one idea but I think I would have to say that you have taken flowers to a new level and I keep trying to do them as beautifully as you. All your work is outstanding. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I started following you because of your flowers and haven't stopped.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Congratulations Selma that's some achievement in such a short time - I wonder why? (LOL)
    I subscribe to your blog by Email, perhaps that does not qualify me as a follower - anyway I loved your White Poinsettia and Pastel Festival Frame cards (& loads of others!) Really enjoyed your flower making tutorials: Vellum: Crepe: & Card.
    We love your blog & your beautiful creations - thank you so much.

    Mary Mac

  44. I too thought I was a follower but I guess it was just blog posts so I'm now a follower.
    My favorite are your gina k design cards and those lovely vellum flowers!

  45. I have enjoyed following your blog for sometime now and love your vellum flowers projects. I love seeing all your cards especially the ones using Heartfelt Creations. Congrats on your many accomplishments. Thanks for a chance to win. I linked u up on my sidebar..thanks so much for being so generous..Hugs Regena

  46. Huge congrats on that many visits in one year but you richly deserve them and so many more. Your creations are fantastic and your tutorials so easy to follow. Been hanging around here for quite some time now. If I have to choose, my favorite would be the vellum flowers but I'm really in love with your Heartfelt creations. Such beautiful work! Blog candy is posted on my blog. Blessing and well wish for the next 150,000 plus. "Hugs" Carol

  47. I love your blog! Congrats on so many lookers! You have some fabulous ideas and projects. I really like quite a few of them... so far if I had to pick one favorite... it would have to be the door hanger box. I have never seen anything quite like it! But your most recent poinsettia card is beautiful! I need to spend more time reading past blogs! Thank you for the chance at some great candy!

  48. Congratulations!! I LOVE your blog. The first time I was Heaven. Love everything you create. My favorite was the vellum flowers, but now the pine cones are AWESOME. Your tutorials are great and easy to follow. Thank you so much for all your inspiration and for the chance to win the candy.

  49. Selma, Wow! 150,000! Congratulations! I would have said that my favorite technique was the vellum flowers. I have made bunches in every color I can get my hands on. I just keep finding more places to use them. But after seeing the pine cones, I may have a new favorite. They are awesome!

  50. Hi Selma, I've been "following" your blog for over a year now, but now I am an official "follower." Your work is amazing and you are very talented. It's hard to pick out one favorite technique or card because I am in awe over everything you do. Congratulations on all your blog hits and thank you for the change to win your wonderful blog candy.

  51. no need to enter me in the candy, but just want to congratulate you on all your hits and amazing blog! hugs! :)

  52. Selma, Congrats on the 150,000 hits! It really doesn't surprise me as your work is such an inspiration to all of us! Thanks so very much for sharing it with all of us!

  53. Congratulations Selma..I shocked myself on not being a follower..I am now..I usually come over from Joans Garden I guess. I love your work and one of my favorite previous to the pine cones was your Pink Acetate Card.
    I've added your candy to my side bar, thanks for the chance to win but also for the great inspiration you offer all the time. So glad you share your special talents.

  54. All of your cards are always special. The two favorite things I have enjoyed though are the vellum flowers (since I have made good use of that idea) and the Heartfelt Creations Cardinals. I don't have those yet but I really want to get them because of your creations. You're a very talented artist!!! Thanks for sharing all your cards with us to enjoy.

  55. Hi there Selma, congrats on all the hits. You deserve them cause your work is wonderful.
    My favorite project is the pop up card tutorial. I am always on the look out for new card making ideas and it seem's I've come to the right place. All of your handmade flowers are also wonderful and I'm going to make sure I try some myself in the future.
    Thanks for the chance at winning your candy, I'll be keepin' my fingers crossed. I've added a link to my sidebar to help spread the word and I've also become a follower. Will be visiting you often.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  56. Oh Selma, what a wonderful time someone is going to have with that candy! I am already a follower of you and Joan and have a ton of fun trying your techniques. My favorite yet is the scorching of the crepe paper rose to get a tan/buff color as you wrote about on A PERFECT DAY - Just Rite Visit - remember that one? I so enjoyed reading the entire story. I have posted your candy on my blog, thank you again for sharing your artistry!

  57. Selma, I am quite new to following blogs. I have to say you have been my first one, because I loved the eisel card with the cardinal on Heartfelt Creations. I can't believe I've waited so long to check out a blog. I look foward to seeing you in my e-mail.

  58. Selma, what fab blog candy, and what a wonderful way to celebrate all your hits! I am a follower, and must say I really am quite fond of all your work. This card though
    Joan's Garden Challenge 5
    really strikes a cord with me.. color, texture, and theme are just right! *smile*
    Many thanks for all you share!

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. I became a follower. I love the vellum flower tutorial on Apr. 13, 2010! I followed it on this card I would love to win this wonderful blog candy!

  61. I have just become a follower after being directed to your lovely blog by Sue. WOW, your cards are beautiful! I love the dimensional nature of them. I love your tutorial on making the pine cones,and on the leaves and then on making those gorgeous roses in either card or vellum. You sure are talented. I will add my link for a chance at that lovely candy as well. Thank you for that opportunity.

  62. Hi Selma, I just become a Follower and so glad I found you thru MagPie's Corner! It's going to be hard to pick just one of your beautiful creations but I guess my fav so far is Pop Up Card Tutorial with the cardinals on it is the one I will diffently have to try. I'm still looking and can tell I'll be finding more to copy too.
    And let me say WOW to the blog Candy... my goodness... what a pile of goodies.... Thanks for giving us the chanch to win...

  63. Hi Selma, what an absolute treat it has been for me to have spend that best part of an hour admiring your beautiful creations. For me the tutorial that you shared on making the little pinecones was delightful. I've never seen nor heard of 'YES' paste and I will be looking for it. Truly an inspirational site and I'm happy to follow and promote your 150000 visitors candy on my site.
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to view your creations.

  64. Selma, I like your concept on art and card making. I am new to the art and learn all the time, thanks for sharing!
    I followed you here from Heartfelt Creations. I have added a link and your achievements are grand. Tootsie

  65. Congratulations on such a huge achievement in such a short span of time! Although, I can't say I'm surprised as all your creations are so gorgeous! I think my favorite tutorial would have to be the vellum flowers (still have to try making some). I've been following you through e-mail notification for some time now. Keep up the great work!

  66. Hi Slema~

    I am a new stalker of yours, I just LOVE the flowers you make, and the "yes" glue, looks like it does wonders, I have never seen or heard of it till now.
    Love your blog, I will be coming back to see your wonderful projects.
    Thanks for sharing and a chance to win.
    Bonnie C

  67. I have been following your blog for some time and find so much inspiration here. Thanks for the chance to win your candy! I am posting your blog candy on my sidebar of my blog.

  68. Selma, you have been an inspiration. I just love your flowers and your tutorials are very easy to follow. I am starting to create some pretty flowers for my cards. You are truely very talented. I found your blog through Joan's Garden blog. Luv you both. Thank you for sharing your creations. Vellum is now a staple in my supplies. Thanks for a chance to win. I am new to this and have never tried for "candy" before. I can't wait to see your emails. BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS......

  69. Hi Selma,
    I'm a new follower of yours! I think your 150.000 visitors will be very soon (I think before the 20th )
    I've put your candy on my sidebar!
    I really love the flowers you have made! They are beautifull!

    Greetings, Judith

  70. Hi and congratulations on your awesome blog!
    I am very happy to be a follower of your gorgeous blog and all your great work. One of my favourites is the pine cone tutorial! I love it!!!!
    I have posted your candy on my side bar.

    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  71. Selma,

    150,000 posts, I can believe it, because I know how talented you are. And I can say I knew you when you first started way back in 1998. (My first stamping experience with you and Stampin UP). I am proud to say you have taught me so many wonderful techniques and shared so much of byour talent with me. I can't begin to pick my favorite, because you continue to make "My Favorite Creations".

    Congrats on your success and thanks for the friendship we share.


    Oh and thanks for a chance at some "Blog Candy".

  72. Wow that's an amazing gift package Selma. One of your followers is going to be a very happy stamper :-) I love all your tutorials so I can't pick just one but I do like the vellum flowers and I especially liked the double embossing too. WOnderful projects you've been showing lately too.

  73. Congrats on such a wonderful blog! I am a new follower and I've linked you to my sidebar.
    How to choose! Your cards are beautiful!! I really love the velum flowers tutorial. I never quite know what to do with velum...I am going to have to try those flowers!!

  74. Hi Selma, I've just discovered your blog and I want to tell you that I LOVE it and I become a follower. The "Together We Celebrate Shadow Box" is my favorite project, I don't understand all the explanations for it but it is GEORGIOUS.
    I also loved your tutorial on how to make Pine cone. I have to try it's so nice. And I have to come back, there is so much interesting topics here.

  75. Your vellum flower cards are my favorites! Of course, I love all of your cards, but the vellum flowers are just really really special! TFS

  76. Selma I am a follower and have posted you and the candy to my blog. I love your style in card making for it is art. I really like what you have done with the pear punch to make the pine cones!! I look forward to your new items. I have done many years of scrapbooking with artwork application and will be posting it at the begining of the year. Tootsie

  77. Hi Selma! Congrats on almost 150,000 hits =) Your tutorials and cards are fantastic. I really love your vellum flowers and your roses. Thanks for doing such a lovely giveaway. Keep up the amazing work =)

  78. Congrats on 150,000+ but i'm sure it will soon be much more! Your work is so great, each time i look you inspire me more.One of my favorites is the Joan's Garden Challenge 19.This card is just adorable Selma, love the butterfly.
    I have popped you in my sidebar in my log!! Oh fingers and toes and everything else crossed!!
    And i follow!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  79. Congratulations on all of the hits on your wonderful blog! I have been a follower for a long time. I have loved quite a few of your projects and tutorials but I think my all time favorite is this one:

    I will post your blog candy giveaway on my blog.

    Thank you very much for the chance to win such a delicious candy give away!

  80. Congratulations Selma on all those 'hits' Well done you. I am a new follower having just found your blog and read your tutorial on triple embossing. WOW - I rushed out and bought the necessary equipment and am all set to try, fingers crossed!
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  81. Congratulations, that's a lot of visits and you deserve them all.

    Picking a favorite project is really hard. I've loved your cardinal cards, but I do think my all time favorite was the simple, elegant and just beautiful card you made for the post "Joan's Garden Challenge 5" ( Thanks a lot for the chance to win.

  82. Selma, I am a new follower, brought to you through a chain of links .. and I'm glad I found you. Your cards are stunning! I very much like how you incorporate dimensional flowers onto your cards, and I'm off to find your vellum flowers after reading the comments here. I loved the pink flowers you created using the Tim Holtz Sizzix dies -- I've been practicing flowers myself, so I am going to go try some with vellum! Thank you for the opportunity to win blog candy!

  83. I am now a follower after finding your blog though a trial of others.
    I just love your work.
    My favourite it the luminary from sept 23.
    I am definitely going to try that!
    Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win such wonderful blog candy.

  84. Hello Selma!!
    I love cardmaking, it is always nice to see another master's works to see what way she did it. So I enjoy looking all your cards!!! Thanks!
    Very nice candy!!! I linked it on sidebar
    I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win))
    Hugs. Larisa. xxx

  85. I just found you not too long ago, and became a follower INSTANTLY!! I must say...every flower card you make is my favorite....I can't pick just one! I LOVE your vellum flowers, your crepe paper flowers, your paper roses....they are ALL so beautiful!! And you have fantastically gorgeous layouts that show off your flowers beautifully!!!

  86. Hi Selma, I have been getting your blog for a few months now, and just love your cards. You manage to show lots of different styles and techniques, as well as showing us new stamps, papers and ribbons. Congrats on 150,000 blogs! Wow! Thats a lot of cards.
    I'm glad you put on to Joans Garden too - she has a wide selection - and lots of the stamps I am currently 'in love' with.
    Wishing you many more years of creating and sharing your wonderful artistry - and THANK YOU,

  87. Oh My! I just came across your blog and am in crafter's heaven! I'm now a 'follower', LOVE your 'Just Because' card because of the gorgeous flowers and the hummingbird, and the lace, and the colors....okay, it just made me gasp and think OHHHH! :D I've posted your info on my blog! Oh, I so hope I win!! (Thanks for sharing your talent!)

  88. I was searching tutorials about flowers and then I found you.So my favourite project is the vellum flowers :) Thanks for this chance! I become a follower and I linked on my sidebar
    Hugs from Spain!

  89. I'm soo happy that I came across your blog through Heartfelt Creations! I love your tutorial on coloring leaves in multiple colors!! I just became a follower today and I will be combing your blog for all your wonderful techniques and creations!!!

    Thanks so much for this opportunity to win some goodies and thanks for sharing your tutorials!!!

    I did add a link to my blog for this blog candy!

  90. Hello, I am Rita, Thanks for the chance to win and I write from Italy.
    Fingers crossed you put things beautiful and amazing. I post in my blog and you've become your advocate.
    smak :)

  91. I'm a new follower and hope to be the lucky one ^^

    You're on my sidebar ;)

  92. Wow, I just found your blog and I am a new follower! I have posted about your candy in my sidebar and you can see it here:
    I really like the "Just Because" card you did with the Tim Holtz die! Thanks for letting me play

  93. Fantastic Blog, I'm gonna say the vellum flowers what a sweet look they give and so easy to do and I also like how you've done alot of 3-d Cards they are cut fantastic
    thanks for the chance I've linked you in my sidebar
    hugs Nikki

  94. Oh Selma your blog candi is soooo generious. CONGRATS on so many blog hits. I just love your blog I look forward to it everyday. I have signed up as a follower a while ago now, it is so hard to pick a fav. but I think it would have to be your Heartfelt Lilacs, they are to die for.
    Thanks for the opportunity of the blog candi, but also thanks for your Wonderful "ART" work
    Hugs, Sheila

  95. Selma
    Thanks for a chance to win some candy.
    I have follwed for quite awhile now.
    Choosing a favorite is very hard but I love the vellum flower tut and it opened up such a wide area for me to play in. They are soooo elegant.
    Thanks for a fabulous blog.

  96. Wow Selma...I didn't realize there were that many crafty bloggers. (kidding) I love your blog as for a favorite tech. you do so many it's hard to choose but I do love those vellum flowers. Congrats on 150,000 visitors. Just think of all the people you influence.

  97. Hi Selma, this is your old neighbor. I've finally signed up as a follower, have been viewing your blog since almost day one. Love all your work! Love the Lilac flower (one of my favorite flowers) and the vellum flowers (they are so easy to make). Thanks for the chance to win.
    Take care and keep up the great work...Linda

  98. You do great work! Difficult for me to leave comments, so I am Kaya poor knowledge of the language, and I'm watching them with pleasure, has decided to become a follower, that would be more convenient to keep track of new products. I'd have to say that "Plant A Little Sunshine Daisies" is one of my favorites! I've added a link on my blog to your candy and thanks for a chance to win! With love, Lisena.

  99. Selma,

    I have enjoyed your work for almost a year, but have never let you know. I love your vellum flowers and use them on a lot of my cards. You also "turned me on" to Joan's Gardens, where I have found a lot of new ideas. All of your cards are beautiful. KEEP them coming.

  100. I have really enjoyed your blog. You make some exquisite cards, I love looking at them for inspiration. I will try to add your link on my blog (I'm new at this).

  101. I'm a follower

    I like the pine cones tutorial.

    My blog:

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  102. Hi Selma, congrats on so many hits, I am your new follower and I am so impressed with all your work. It is very hard to choose fab project, but 3-D flower stamp project is awesom, and love your vellum flowers. I posted your candy on my sidebar of my blog. Hugs,moni


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