
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rose Tutorial

I finally got this tutorial completed.  I have had lots of you asking for a tutorial on how I made the roses out of card stock so I have tried to take a lot of pictures to show you how I did it.  First I will give you information about how I made the card above. I used the JustRite stamp set "Baroque Nested Frames" for the greeting.  This stamp set is so beautiful.  I placed both the large and small Baroque Frames in the clear stamp block and white embossed them.  The greeting was stamped separately and cut out then attached with dimensionals.  The beautiful background is from a brand new set of Cuttlebug embossing folders I just received from Joan's Gardens.  It is a set of 4 embossing plates -- two large and two regular size, all different.  It is called "Sentimentals".  The roses I made were placed on the top of the card and a pretty piece of lace on the bottom.

Before I start the tutorial, I want to show you a picture of a card stock rose and a vellum rose.  The card stock rose is a lot more time consuming to make.  My favorite is the vellum rose because it is really quick and easy to make and I personally think much more delicate - like a real rose.

I used three size punched flowers for this rose.  You can use any punches you may have that are varied in size.  The smallest flower really isn't necessary but I have included it in this tutorial in case you have a tiny flower punch and want to use it.

This is the smallest punched flower.  In order to be able to work with the card stock, you must make the paper more pliable so you can shape it.  I used a stylus to "scribble" all over it to weaken the fibers. 

This is the medium size flower.  You have to weaken the fibers again and since this flower does not have separate petals, you need to cut down, between each petal, towards the center to make it easier to shape.

This is the largest flower and the fibers were also weakened on it.

This shows me forming the smallest flower by pressing it all the way down into the soft rubber mat (just like you do the vellum flowers). 

This is shaping the middle size flower.  You notice it doesn't go down into the mat as far but it does form its shape by doing this.  You can use your fingers to help press the petals close to the stylus.

This is the largest flower being shaped.

In this picture I have placed some liquid glue down in the medium size flower and I'm placing the smallest flower into the center.

With each layer you add glue to the flower you are adding and press it down into the foam mat to shape the flower.  You can add two or three flowers from the medium size flower.

Here I am adding several layers of the largest flower.  You add glue to the center of each new flower and place the shaped flower down in it and press it firmly into the soft rubber mat.  After you have added all your layers, you can take you fingers and slightly curl the bottom petals down to resemble a rose. 

Hope this tutorial helps.  If you make the flowers, please link back to my blog so I can see your beautiful flowers. 

I also want to answer lots of questions that I get about the vellum I use for the vellum flowers.  I purchase this from Joan's Gardens.  It comes in a pad and has 10 different colors of high quality vellum.  Once you get started making the vellum flowers, you are going to love having all the colors that come in this pad.  I also have had disappointed people tell me they try to color white vellum and it doesn't look as pretty as my flowers.  I tried doing this at first, but coloring on vellum does not give you the bright, beautiful colors as when you purchase it already colored.  Hope this answers your questions about the vellum.

In case you haven't seen it, the link to my vellum flower tutorial is listed on my sidebar.

Have fun making your flowers!


  1. Very cool! I have not had much success in making flowers - I think I will go buy some vellum and try again with the card stock. Love the card!

  2. Wow, how clever are you, just beautiful roses...

  3. Selma,
    Thanks for the wonderful lesson. I may just have to try this. I only have 2 folower punches from Gina's bold flowers. I'll see if I can them to work. I will now know I have to cut between the petals and shove those guys in something. I tried to shape them with my fingers. LOL

  4. Wow that card is just stunning Selma! Love the rose flower tutorial, I have been using the same size and shape flowers but love your idea better, seems to look neater, thanks for sharing!

  5. Love your tutorials Selma as they are so easy to follow. Beautiful card, as always. Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us.
    "Hugs" Carol

  6. Gorgeous card, Selma and beautiful roses! Thanks for another great tutorial!

  7. Hi Selma
    This is a fab tutorial. I am so impressed by your blog and projects... love the flowers and Just Rite.

    I've written a short blog post at spreading the word about your great blog.

    All the best and thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Beautiful card, beautiful flowers and a great tutorial!!!

  9. Another beautiful card and a wonder tutorial. Thanks for making it for us. Keep up the great work!


  10. Wow Selma...such a beautiful card and roses! Thanks for sharing the tutorial! :) Judit

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  13. Just discovered your web site and LOVE your cards. Do you teach classes? Have a GREAT day! Sandy

  14. What a nice tutorial. I bought the punches but need to get some vellum. I love all your cards and have signed up to receive your updates. Thanks.

  15. OH and this is great! they are so pretty, thanks for sharing!


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