
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Christmas Wishlist

Yesterday my Internet was down all day so I didn't get a card posted.  This morning I "whacked" the top of my index finger really hard on a decorative post in my house and it is painful to try and move that finger or even use my hand.  I have been really busy so maybe this is a sign to slow down. 

My card today is made with some new products from Joan's Gardens.  I think the style is vintage which is much different from my normal style, but I am having fun learning this technique.  The stamp is "'Tis the Season" by Kaiser Craft.  The two background papers are also from Kaiser Craft from the "Be Merry Collection"  6" paper pad.  The santa image was stamped using black Memento ink on ivory card stock.  To antique the design, I rubbed "Scatttered Straw" Tim Holtz Distress Ink over the top.  The design was cut out with a Nestability and the edges embossed.  A sponge dauber was used to sponge dark brown ink around the edges.  A paper piercer was used to poke three holes around the curved corners.  This was mounted to a piece of ruby red card stock that was distressed. 

A piece of ruby red card stock was layered onto the ivory card. Two different pieces of the design paper were added on top, and a border created with a Martha Stewart punch, placed across the steam.  A piece of antique trim was added at the bottom.   The stamped design was added at an angle on dimensionals.  A button from the Webster's Pages "Sparklers" was added on the design.  Three Martha Stewart snowflakes were punch out and antiqued with the same ink as used on the design.  Since the brown button had a big rhinestone in it, I added one to the middle of each snowflake. 

What do you think?  Did I create a vintage Christmas card?

Joan has lots of fun new products in her store now.  Hope you go over and check them out.


  1. well I'm sorry bout your finger and computer! Take it easy for a while. your card is breath taking. It's kinda fun to step out of our comfort zone a little uh? And congrats on become a designer for Joan! Saw that on her blog a few minutes ago. You go girl!!!

  2. Hello Selma! I am a new follower to your blog...and am just blown away at your beautiful elegant cards...and yep, you did great on this vintage card! I will be back often to see you. I hope your finger heals quickly!


  3. Selma, you certainly captured the vintage feel to this card. You did a great job on your antiquing of the papers, even with a sore finger. It is truly beautiful!!!

  4. Selma,
    This is very vintage! I love the distressed edges and the sponging. That button is to die for.

  5. Yep, you definately created a BEAUTIFUL vintage card. Hope your finger gets better soon but it sure didn't keep you from creating another masterpiece. I've just got to find time to play in more challenges. I miss the variety and the fun of it. Hope to see ya at Joan's soon.
    "Hugs" Carol

  6. Just lovely Selma!!! You are one of my favorite designers and I love to see all the newbies that you have to share! Thanks for your inspiration!!

  7. I think we are having the same week, only it was my toe! lol. This is a beautiful vintage card. I love how you pulled all your elements together. Great Job!

  8. This is truly a work of art! Not surprised your a designer for Joan!You rock GF! Sorry about your finger... hope it gets better fassssst!

  9. Hope you feel better soon. This is definitely vintage... and beautiful.

    Love all the little touches and details.

  10. Selma--I'm so sorry to hear about your finger!!! Once it is hurt it seems like you are constantly hitting it and making it worse! Hopefully it will be all better very soon! You Chirstmas card is beautiful! Just love it!!! TFS, and get well soon!

  11. Selma, your card is beautiful! I love the vintage feel to it.

  12. What a beautiful vintage it! :) Judit


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