
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I've Been Thinking About You

Below is the Sketch Challenge

This card was made for the Tuesday StampTV Sketch Challenge.  

It was so fun working on this card because I LOVE the design paper I used.    I followed Melissa's sketch challenge using design paper from the Graphic 45 "Le'Romantique Collection".  The stamp used for the verse is from Gina K's "Enjoy the Sunshine" StampTV kit.  I love the script and it is beautiful with the dp.  It was stamped on ivory card stock.  To frame the sentiment, I used the ScorPal to draw  double lines around it.  Two pieces of the design paper were cut to complete the sketch challenge.  A piece of lace was placed over a strip of "Always Artichoke" card stock and placed over the seam.  I created three roses out of the dusty peach vellum and punched leaves from green vellum.  I wanted to create roses to match the images in the design paper.  The little butterflies are from Theresa's "Sending Sunshine" stamp set, also available from Gina K..  They were stamped on peach paper with brown ink and cut out to "flitter" around the flowers.  

The Graphic 45 Design Paper Pad, vellum, and lace were purchased from Joan's Gardens.  

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope I have given you some inspiration for your creative day.


  1. Selma, Your card is exquisite! I just can't get enough of your beautiful vellum flowers! TFS!

  2. Gorgeous,gorgeous,gorgeous.... flowers are definitely your thing!

  3. This well of creativity just has no end does it? Another absolutely gorgeous card. Just like the one before! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.


  4. This is stunning Selma!! I got my punches yesterday .. now to find the time to start punching and see if I can make these beautiful flowers of yours!!
    I love this paper and it worked beautifully for this sketch! So soft and pretty!
    PS I finally found my workshop list of names, I'll get a copy off to you asap!

  5. Selma, ohhhhh how beautiful is this! Your flowers absolutely compliment the roses. Everything about this card is stunning!!!!
    I love it.

  6. Lovely! Your flowers go beautifully with that dp!

  7. I just found your blog today through Gina K Galleries somehow, and I clicked on one of your cards, and have been in your blog checking things out ever since!!!! Don't want to leave it. Marking a lot of the cards in my favorite places so I can keep going back and over them again and again. You do BEAUTIFUL work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SO ENJOYED and APPRECIATED your tutorial on the making of vellum flowers! I never knew anything like that was possible, and then for you to SHOW all of us HOW to make them--THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That means the world to me, as I am a newbie, BIG TIME, and you taking the time to SHOW these beautiful techniques means the world to people like me! It makes me WANT to try, saying that it is not out of our reach to do things like this and be able to make beauties like you do!!! The words cannot even begin to express my appreciation for your blog and taking the time to show us all these beautiful things and the HOW'S to be able to do them!!!!! You are such a gem- VERY talented and gifted!!!!! Donna Sherman

  8. All I say say is absolutely gorgeous!!!! TFS Selma!

  9. Just gorgeous.

    You really have a knack for making beautiful flowers and beautiful cards.


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