
Monday, May 31, 2010


Today is another cloudy, rainy day so can't get out and plant my flowers.  Good day to stay indoors and what else -- stamp!  I have been thinking about all the friends I made while on my trip so have made a "friend" card.  The stamp sets used are the "My Garden Set" and "Plant a Little Love" from JustRite.  I purchased these sets from Joan's Gardens.

The background paper is from a MS paper pad.  A white square was embossed with a Sizzix embossing folder and attached to a slightly larger piece of pink card stock. The corners were rounded with a corner rounder punch.  I used a white pen to add stitch marks around the edge.  The border with the verse, from the "My Garden Set", was white embossed on pink card stock and cut out with a petite circle Nestie.  Another smaller white scalloped circle was cut out to add the flower to.  The scallops in both pieces were pierced. 

The flower from "Plant a Little Love Set" was stamped three times and colored with Copic markers. I did this so I could layer the flower for dimension.  You can see this in the second photo above.  Each layer is attached with dimensional tape.  Four Cuttlebug corner flourishes were cut out and placed on each corner of the embossed piece.  A white dotted Swiss bow was made with the Bow Easy and attached to the top of the design.  Pink pearls were added to complete the card.

This was a very fun card to create.  As you know, I love lots of layers and dimension.  It always makes me feel good when I spend time to "create" my own little piece of art.  This will be one of a set of cards I am giving my sister for her birthday.  I have to get busy and create a box for her cards now. 


  1. This is gorgeous GF! Your sister will LOVE the set! Is it absolutely raining buckets at your house? Is here!

  2. Selma, this card is definitely a work of art! I kept going back and looking at it as you described each step & layer. It really took my breath away when I saw it! It is truely beautiful. Your sister will be so happy to receive this card set! Can't wait to see what you come up with next! TFS

  3. I know this is the prettiest card I have ever seen, your sister will absolutely love it!!!!

  4. Fantastic card -- watch out Hallmark!! It is just so sweet and delicate!~

  5. Beautiful card Selma! Just when I think you've done the best you come up with another outstanding project. It's just too stunning for words.
    "Hugs" Granny (Carol)

  6. Wow this is just beautiful, I love pink and I hope she treasurers it always.

  7. Selma,
    Your sister will love this set of cards. I do know what you mean about creating your own work of art. Yours are some of the best I've seen

  8. Another absolutely striking card! Wow Selma, I am so envious of your talent. It must be dripping off of you. If you give this card to someone, I hope they frame it and keep it forever. Thanks for sharing.



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