
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Calendar with Note Paper

I found a cute box for note paper that also had a calendar on it.  You can purchase the  tutorial  from Kim Score here.  I changed my assembly a little from the tutorial. The calendar was printed and cut into individual months to slip into the little frame on the front.  The lid lays down flat to create a closed box. 

The butterfly stamps are from the "Enjoy Life" stamp set by Penny Black.  The stamp is like the butterfly in the middle.  I stamped the butterfly five times with VersaMark ink and clear embossed them.  Sponge daubers were used to sponge on three different colors of ink blending them well.  The two "half" butterfiles were created cutting off the left side wing and attaching a second wing over the right side  to make it look like the butterfly is ready to land. 

A strip of embossed cardstock was added to the right side and the flowers were added.  A Martha Stewart pansy punch was used to create the border on the top.  The paper used for the box is two sided -- one side a beautiful pearlized color and the back side a darker aqua. Computer paper was cut for the paper inside the box. 

This is a little gift I am giving to my daughter. 

The Penny Black stamp set and Martha Stewart punches were purchased from Joan's Gardens.

I have had some emails telling me that they were not able to find the boxes or vellum used in the post I made yesterday.  I have talked to Joan and these items will be in her store very soon.  If you are interested in these products, just email her and she will hold these items for you.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. This is a beautiful idea Selma - must remember it for a gift. I love this pretty blue and those butterflies are gorgeous!

  2. Your creations never cease to amaze me Selma. Love visiting your blog because I know when I get there it's going to be a "knock out" creation. Thanks for sharing!
    "Hugs" Granny

  3. Hi Selma,

    Well, I am going to try and send you a comment, but I am not having any luck in you getting then.

    I love this little calendar and the note paper idea. So cute, and I love the theme you selected.

    I am sure Shari will be very pleased and love this as a gift from her Mom.


  4. now isn't that neat!!!! What an awesome creation!

  5. Selma, this box is adorable and very unique. Great job!!!
    I know your daughter will love it!!!

  6. Great box and very useful idea, Selma. I love the color combination and the embellishments!

  7. Well isn't this just awesome! Such a great gift!

  8. Wow! Beautiful, Selma! Butterflies are always so fun to use.

  9. Selma this is just too cute. I love the colors you chose. And I especially love the butterflies! TFS

  10. wow! this is a nice idea. beautifully crafted. thanks for sharing.

  11. Wow Selma, This is just too darn cute! TFS!


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