
Friday, February 5, 2010

Birthday Wishes

I know I haven't been very good about posting on my blog this past week.  I caught some kind of stomach bug and have not felt like working on cards - I should say doing anything!  I am one of those people that washes my hands constantly and luckily do not get sick often, but this bug got me good and I still don't feel very good. 

This is a card I started last week and thought I would finish it up this morning.  The stamps are from the new StampTV kit "Picture It".  I always really look forward to the new kits because they are packed full of great things and this one was no exception.  This little stamp is solid rubber so first thing I thought of was to use markers to color it, then spritz it with a fine mist of water before stamping it.  It was cut out using square Nestabilities.  For the embossed background, I first used a Martha Stewart punch for the border then scored some lines above it using my new Martha Stewart Score Board.  (These Martha Stewart items are available at Joan's Gardens.  Joan has a great tutorial on her blog showing how to make your own envelopes using this new Score Board.)  The top portion of this background was embossed using the Cuttlebug dotted Swiss embossing folder.  The greeting from the Picture It stamp set was stamped and cut out with petite oval Nestabilities.  Both the design and the wish are on dimensionals.  A piece of pink dotted Swiss ribbon was added with a piece of ScorTape.  Some small MS butterflies were added to complete the card.

Hope you like this card.  If you haven't seen it, you should go to Gina K Designs and check out this great StampTV kit  "Organize It"  This kit includes two stamp setsOne of them includes everything needed to organize your work area and/or desk.  Gina has videos on the home page of StampTV with some really great projects you can make with this kit.  Check it out here. The list of projects is in the side bar under "Watch More Episodes".

If you haven't done it yet, please check out my Blast from the Past Challenge on StampTV.  Here is the link.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Perfectly beautiful card! Sorry to hear you've not been well. Glad you're doing some better now, but take it easy!

  2. So pretty Selma. Sorry to hear your under the weather. Hope you get to felling better!

  3. Beautiful, fantastic, gorgeous, awsome...........WOW! This card really is magnificant! I love it! TFS

  4. Selma, I love the card. It is just beautiful. Sorry you are not feeling well. I am sending you Healthy Warm Happy thoughts. Get better soon.

  5. Sweet card, love the way you have coloured the flowers. Hope you will be feeling really better soon

  6. Sosorry to hear you've been unwell! Hope you feel better soon.
    This card is so so pretty - how brave you are to colour small sections of this rubber stamp - I dare'nt.

  7. Selma,

    What a pretty card. It is so delicate, with the colors you have selected.

    Sorry you have been sick, and hope you are on your way to a complete recovery.


  8. Hope you get to feeling better soon Selma! This card is so cute!! Love the butterflies and texture. Take care and rest. We'll all be here when you are well again.
    "Hugs" Granny

  9. Oh please take care and feel better soon! YOur card is gorgeous!

  10. Very pretty, Selma. I hope you are over the worst and can get back to your routine. Love your work, always inspires me!

  11. Your card is so beautiful! You need to rest and get well as that is most important. We all want you back to feeling your best.

  12. Love the card Selma especially how you did the flowers on it. Glad you're feeling better. :)

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