
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Moose-mas

I love moose so was excited when Nina gave us this super cute image to work with this week.  Our challenge is  to use Danielle's sketch below.  I really enjoyed working with this digi image and the sketch.

I think this is one of the cutest cards I have made this year.  I used two different Basic Grey designer papers.  The background cs is Soft Sky.  The image was colored with Copic markers and cut out with Nestabilities.  The stars are also cut out with Nesties. The card went together very quickly. 

Be sure to go over to the TMITA Paper Cupcakes blog and download this free image.  Hope you will join in on the challege.  If you haven't been over to Nina's new Paper Cupcake's Store, click on this link to see all of her cute digital images. 

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a very Merry Christmas.


  1. As the saying goes, "he's cute as a bug in a rug!" Like you I love this sketch! Your card is gorgeous!

  2. Gorgeous card Selma! The papers from the BG pad are so beautiful and I love the end result of your card! Fabulous work - it does help that the moose is super cute too doesn't it!!!
    Hugs, Danielle

  3. Your right it is one of the cutest! I love your soft color pallet! You do great work my friend!

  4. Too cute, Selma! I'm anxious to work with this image.

  5. Selma, this is adorable! I love your BG papers, and your stars are beautiful! What a darling card! I love the softness of the colors you picked to work with! And that moose was just SO perfect with the sketch this week!!! Great job, and Merry Christmas, dear friend!

  6. Fabulous card, Selma! Mr. Moose is just so very cute!!

  7. Selma, is gorgeous! Love it! I wish you a Merry Christmas! Hugs Nilla

  8. Lovely, lovely card! The image is soooo cute!

    Maybe you can enter Rosie-D's Challenge. We have a 'Rudolph'-theme... and a great prize! :)

    Sweet greetings,

  9. Thanks for joining us at Rosie-D's Challenge!! Good luck!

    Saskia :)

  10. Selma, your card is fantastic!

    Thanks for joining us at Rosie D's this week. See you again soon!


  11. Selma, just loved the pp you used here, they are soo soft and wintery and just overall beautiful as well as your card, but that is a not brainer, all your cards are beautiful!


I always love to read your comments. Thanks for stopping by.