
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

May Peace be your Gift

This is another beautiful stamp in Theresa Momber's "A Very Merry Christmas" stamp set, available from Gina K Designs. I always love to decorate with holly during the holidays. I have a variegated holly bush growing in my yard so went out and picked a leaf so I could pick up the right colors for this design. The holly was stamped using Memento black ink and colored with Copic markers. I first went around the edges of each leaf with a pale yellow then filled in with the green. My intention was to make a CAS (clean and simple) card but dumb me, I went out of the lines when coloring in the ribbon and had to cut out the design. I decided since I had to do that I would pat the VersaMark pad on the design and add clear embossing powder. By doing this, it really brought out the colors. I used a Cuttlebug border embossing folder along the bottom edge of the card and then scored three lines above it with the ScorPal. The verse is out of the same set and was black embossed. I attached the holly using the ProGlider. This tape is very strong and holds the design down flat. Three small red rhinestones were added to the bottom to complete the card.


  1. Selma, this is gorgeous! Love the CAS design and that fab scroll!

  2. Very,very pretty! I agree with Theresa! What she said! LOL!

  3. Yep it's gorgeous!! I love the scroll at the bottom!!

  4. yep, I agree with all of the above LOL gorgeous!!!

  5. Selma, beautiful card. I love the embossing on the bottom. Your holly looks like you just cut it. Great job!


  6. This is gorgeous Selma, love the embossed border with the red gems!!


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