
Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Friends

This is Day Two of the JustRite Blog Hop. There are 54 designers participating and you will be amazed at all the beautiful projects using JustRite Fonts and stamps. There will be six people who will win Blog Candy. Also, JustRite is having a fantastic 30% off Font Sale. I just placed my order with Joan Fricker at Joan's Gardens. Be sure to check out her blog for additional information and pictures of the sale items.

I told you in an earlier post that I had ordered some of the new JustRite Christmas stamps from Joan. Today I decided to make my first snowman card made with these cute stamps. This one is from the "Old Fashioned Christmas Set". There are four great Christmas designs and four different borders.

My background paper is from the Wassail Basic Grey Paper Pad. The snowmen were stamped using black Memento ink then colored with Copic Markers. The design was cut out using Circle Nestabilities then a larger burgundy circle cut out to mat it. I then stamped one of the borders from the set on another piece of white card stock and mounted it on a scalloped green circle. You can stamp both the border and the inner design at one time, if you prefer. I wanted to build up layers so stamped them separately. Each layer is mounted on dimensional tape. I added some of the new Polar White Flower Soft for snow around the snowmen and a little glitter on the snowmen. This White Flower Soft looks just like snow and is "pure" white. I also purchased this from Joan's Gardens. I have not pulled out all my Christmas stamps and supplies so the only border I had to work with was this one made with a Martha Stewart punch. I'm not sure if it is suppose to be snowflakes or stars. Maybe you are suppose to use it either way. A burgundy ribbon was added at the top.


  1. that punch matched your paper perfectly! I dont have any of these stamps. Am enjoying the blog hop! your cards are always an inspiration!!!

  2. Seoma, what a pretty card. You certainly did the stamps justice as everything about your card is just beautiful!

  3. opps, that is what I get for not proof reading my typing....sorry for he misspelling Selma!


  4. Selma,

    This is an absolutely beautiful card! Great job.


  5. Congratulations Selma - I believe you won the Penny Black Challenge!!!

  6. Selma Selma - how can you keep producing such fantastic cards day after day after day?!?! When I read all my blogs in Google Reader I save yours till last so I can really savor the beauty and creativeness I always find on your blog. THese snowmen are too cute - and the whole layout is da bomb!!! FAB!

  7. Selma,

    I love this card. Snowmen, how did I guess you would make a snowman card????? Would it be okay if I copied this card and made some Christmas cards like it?

    The paper, colors and design are just wonderful....


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