
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Halloween Wiper Card

Today I decided to make a Halloween card. I really like the images in the Gina K "Spooky Silhouettes" stamp set. I couldn't decide which image to use so thought I would see how many I could put on one card. In order to do this, I decided I would make a "Wiper Card" so a couple of the images would "pop" out. There is a tutorial on SCS on how to make a Wiper Card here.

The above picture is of my card closed and after you scroll down, you can see it open.

My base card is made with Basic Black card stock. I decided I wanted to have two wipers on my card and to have it vertical instead of horizontal, which is different than shown in the tutorial. I used a brayer to add different shades of yellows and oranges on a piece of glossy card stock. I started at the top with So Saffron. I stamped the moon from the set on a Post-it note then punched it out and placed it on the yellow before adding different oranges. On the very bottom I used a sponge dauber and Chocolate Chip ink to darken the edges. Different images from the Spooky Silhouettes set were then stamped using Memento black ink on this brayered piece.

The bat and scarecrow were added to the Wipers. I was able to use all the image stamps from this set. SU designer paper was used under the scarecrow and on the two top panels. On the main image, a Martha Stewart punch was used for the fence and a black grosgrain ribbon was added at the top. On the top panel, three star buttons were added with glue dots and an embroidery thread knot added over the holes.

This is what the card looks like when opened. This card fits in an A-2 envelope when closed.

Seems like summer has gone by so fast. The kids all start school tomorrow.


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